To amplify brainwashing - many create automatized leaded by ai radio/tv stations with pre-ordered informations(a known simple trick is to get people in fear with "virus" so that people without knowing what they are doing go vaccinate with brainwashers cocktail) - which are nowadays mostly brainwashing boxes(enforcing brainwashing/lies on people - eg 'corona', fake news, etc), just ignore 'news' and you'll be psychologically a little better from fear based parasitic psyConditioning and brainwashers ai practicing dogs tricks on you, which are brainwashers ways to get what they want from humanity since one would consciously never agree to what they do - so they use global fooling/brainwashing/manipulating games to bypass individuals critical thinking - mass brainwashing works that way. So yes, some are living on expense of psychophysical-health/manipulation people via wireless ai - mostly thought/emotions/health-states are nowadays synthetic/artificiallly induced - especially if one is not aware this exists, goals of people are this way guided/reTrained/reInforced for psyEnergyExploiters goals - since all are not aware how wireless mind programming works. If someone want's to get rid of mass people or make an covert psyExperiment on 'livestock' - it does this and brainwashing doctors this is 'cancer'(other stupid names can be there 'swine flu','corona' etc) - as simple as that, wireless brainwashing business of the 20th century.
Do you think that only 'schizophrenics' are treated with 'schizophrenia'(which is systematic subtle destruction of someone's psyche)? no.. it's used everywhere in small amounts for psyConditioning/brainwashing, in wars soldier were wirelessly tested with it(one goal of wars was of course testing modern wireless mind control business - which is nowadays a case as mind programming abuse on civilists), nowadays it's used on many for energetic 'subconscious' dogs training tricks - but with small intensity and it's called nervousness/edgines/irritation/anxiety/agression/dementia.
There is a book "Games people play", but this could be called "Games brainwashers/proExploiters play".
What is the best of real current black comedy - the real showbiz?
while brainwashers/psyEnergyExploiters(in the past 'nazy doctors') systematically destroy/manage humanity/other psychophysical health via fully automated wireless ai systems,
doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists try to correct that not knowing most of the real causes(except psychologists/doctors that do aknowledge wireless mind control abuse) - albeit because 50% of what is really happening is not teached in schools - success of this is not as it should be.
Brainwashers don't do this so that doctors/others have more business - but because in the past 'gestapos' decided that they must redirect all psyche water of 'livestock' on their mill and to boring lifes of work in offices/similar - while they can have all the fun and at the same time do more psyEnergySocialExperiments/exploitation of humanity wirelessly.
In short - all the best of this existance has to offer to them and all the bad things as illnesses/suffering/anxiety/stress/bad-health/harsh-work/no-luck/mind-controlled-psyche-health/etc for others, which is modern slavery. Well - this are professional modern robers via wireless mind control which put humanity into 'psychological sleep' mode via brainwashing a long time ago only so that they can reap spiritual/energetic/vital/other fruits also from others too - automated global consciousness management/trafficking/destruction/etc.
This is how in reality creation of modern social classes works - but the main two ones are: 'higher rase'(modern-robers-of-humanity/brainwashers/mind-programming-abusers/psycho-physical-health-parasites) arround 5% and the other one the rest of the world.
Maany people are nowadays mind controlled in realtime, meaning spoiled psychopaths have in the past done their homework.
Do you know how tv/internet/mobile router operaters can fix/manage your modem from anywhere instantly?
Mind programming is the same, but here - people's psychophysical health/state is managed by mind programming operaters - altough fully automated by wireless ai, that's why unusual name - human farms for "market management". Mind programming also includes eg destroying any electric appliances if someone of them wish so, i think this knowledge also came from
sigint - which could be a part of psychotronics.
What is current commercial health system lacking? energetic and special telecommunications knowledge - this is also why the black comedy - some doctors that should treat some illness die from the same illness or i also know about cases where - hmm, ha haaa - psychiatrists/others had to be put under the "mental health treatment". If brainwashers are not good for anything else - they sure are to make such real black comedies.
If i would not be suffering their harsh active mind programming 24hours a day - i would probably laugh watching for some time their stupid crazy shit especially in the past when they had to establish modern mind controlled arrangement of the world and social classes - it was hilarious - all in some areas had a total mind programmed total maddness mental illness being much on lower existential level than any animal because of modern wireless mind control tests, god himself could not create such black comedy.
If you think watching other suffer for some time is a bad thing - you should reconsider them doing this systematically for more that 1 thousand years on others, even before christ - check old torturing devices museums which global brainwashers used, nowadays this is more sophisticated via mind programming being guided by wireless ai and not seen by naked eye or novices to "manage the market", torture is still used mostly on all targeted individuals or most older people because mind programming is being used also to simulate illness, disorders or mental illness.
The recipe is simple: in reality using wireless mind control on all but brainwashing that this are disorders or bad health or even mental illness.
Has not just humanity but all other suffered enough already only because some can't stand the idea not being dictators?
Exo/para-politics have done extensive harsh covert psyExperiments(psychologicalExperiments) in the past explicitly for managing the market: what concerns paranormal-psychology/consciousness/psychic-energy/special-telecommunications/nano-micro-chips(some that got too much of them were like bees would attack them - body parts went swollen - so psyEnergyExploiters lowered them till it was not so obvious - older people still get swollen legs/body because of this)/quantum-technology/etc with anything that came into their hands for modern 'livestock' business management, so this is why nowadays quite exotic brainwashing can be used on most in real-time. Nature is certainly neutral - it's not doing longterm harm/illnesses/disorders/problems/boring-monotonic-lifes(depression/non-vitality - which comes from energetic field/body holes produced by wireless ai treatments-destruction)/mind-control/etc.
This is how modern empire has been build for more than 50years, it's not the problem using mind programming for it - it's the way how it's used by the guys/girls on the black market for soo long, using masses/humanity as covert modern mind controlled "livestock"/business/psyEnergyExperiments/etc and using wireless white torture on most and harsh wireless psychoPhysical tortures on targeted individuals(active mind programming - also most older people) - but this are called "unknown" reason or disorders or even - born under the unlucky star.
This old
pictures says it all - which is modern psyConditioning or mind programming(eHealth) abuse.
Ai button is missing here - meaning all is done by artificial intelligence - which is nowadays mostly the case. EnergetiX(R) button is also missing.
Best proPaedophile psychology tries to drive humanity psychology via thoughts/emotions/etc to lead the market in such ways - so, i recommend checking
out "your" thoughts(also 'mind chatter')/emotions/energy sometimes and how these works - which are mostly an wireless ai "be in our kindergarten" psyche treatments for exploitative/parasitic human farm.
Non corrupted gurus or even some psychotherapists recommends exactly the same things - 'watch your thoughts', but they think thoughts are manipulated by 'the mind', albeit it's a part of global human farmers(psyEnergyExploiters) wireless ai to get what they want via humanity(this biz also came from mind/energy stealing).
This existance is otherwise much more natural, suffering/illness free, vital/healthy, generous and a little bit more fun, psyEnergyExploiters just tries to redirect all the best this existance has to offer to their business - they call this quality control, meaning also to drive as much 'livestock' heads as possible for their needs, this is how mind programming was born. Usually - psyEnergyExploiters also know what nonCommercialSpirituality is and this is abused/destroyed in others also in favour to their business.
Ha haaa - this wireless brainwashing mind control baby brainwashes all, as much as mental health specialists as much as doctors(that's why you'll find more poison in some of the pills than in pesticides and heavy metals in pipe water) and as much as anyone else, human farm brainwashing must work that way - else sheeps would suspect something - "hey look, s/he didn't vaccinate and s/he is more healthy than i am" - which is proBrainwashers cocktail.
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You must be aware that doctors that don't think with it's own head and are only papagaying 'knowledge' from schools - are only workers there driven like brainwashed puppets(also depends from a person to person), but there are also some of the doctors that know what's going on and are also aware why vaccinations are there in the first place. When 'nazy doctors' did experiments on babies(arranged to be stolen but telling mothers baby died) - they later died because cocktail tests was to strong and given too early in organism - so just because dead organism can't be exploited via life - they made it a little more later and with less toxins and heavy metals in the mixture(called "antibodies" - exactly - dividers! ha haa - this is what freud was unknowingly calling "neurotic society" altough psyExploiters have black tantra with their proPaedophiles whenever they want with anyone they want) but with possible rnm(remoteNeuralMonitoring) and 'bio-NTech' nanoparticles thing - it's not the main thing but it adds to brainwashing(breaking someone's will - more dull mind)/energetic/psychological exploitations - that's all. Nowadays - they don't have to play 'nazy doctors' because some "trump" or some "shaik" hired them for some business - they have better toys - psychotronics and telecommunications(in combination with nano/micro-chips) to wirelessly brainwash anyone anywhere - albeit this manages their wireless ai nowadays.
This are mostly global(personalized) lies - used here to brainwash others in psyEnergyExploiters favour(eg "virus" marketing lie for psychological victimisation psyConditioning - people that are not aware of their rights are easier to brainwash and use as modern slave experiment for 'livestock' management) - this is why professional manipulators/liars/tricksters/proPaedophiles are always amongst psyEnergyExploiters - which try to implement better methods into their wireless ai to fool people globally for their business.
What are psyEnergyExploiters like? if there are two children having same ok toys and playing with them, they will say "that what is in your hand is my toy!" and will do all to make it seems that way(also creating word "mental illness" - which is in reality just mind control business) - ha haa, yes - this are typical them - spoiled psychopaths - manipulators but here they are playing it globally, to try to look that their "virus"/other lie is real - that's why brainwashing via wireless ai.
Global test with "corona" faith manipulation humanity failed 1:0 in psyEnergyExploiters favour - altough global brainwashing / mind programming is behind. Corona is a cheap radio broadcasting trick that almost anyone can do(albeit tv is also a part of it) - including a few gypsies that from always liked to play with telecommunications(just simple "fake news" broadcast - if people would not buy fake news like 'corona' marketing lie and psyExploiters wanted to - this would be extra instilled by thought/emotions/fear globally into people's minds - people can be with mind programming fooled to think in a specific way especially if they are not aware this can be done) - because most have been trained through centuries not to think with it's own head - personal 'will' was broken a long time ago in most - nowadays it's a brainwashed kindergarten everywhere - but in the favour to brainwashers intentions/business.
Then there are many people who ask: where are all the neurological illnesses and stress comming from - also in children like add/adhd? they don't know the whole story.. this are enforced by this kind of wireless mindControl 'social experiments' and not from "nature" like they are brainwashing people also via media(also by "corona"). Illnesses/disorders/mental-illness/etc words are only masking what some idiots are really doing the whole time to simulate illness/'disorders' effects in the name of brainwashing for "higher rase", i don't know anyone that is not affected by this - many in our areas in slovenia are nano/micro-chipped(this is 'cancer' wban like method of nanoChipping 'cattle') and hooked on their ai which can be commanded from anywhere in the world either by them or their ai, it is certainly not for security but good old psyEnergyExploitation. Mind programming systems are very advanced and i have been many many times a part of this(through all 3types, direct via monarchMindProgramming, active and passive mindControl modes, currently in active) - i won't tell how much time i have been really a part of wireless electronic brainwashing/mindControl because probably no one would believe it.
One just hooks all humanity and other beings on artificial intelligence - yes, that will do it..
What is mind programming abuse?
Simple.. It's centralized automated wireless psyConditioning/brainwashing/energeticParasitism/mindControl/etc electronic/mindTech/psychotronics usage, but here - existence/worldwide resources/energy/lifes management in proBrainwashers favour, chi/vital force energy destroying/stealing/trafficking is a part of it - so they had to create a word 'depression' amongs others.
Someone from eg ny pushes a button and a guy/girl gets a migraine, acid reflux, sudden body tremor, depression, heartattack, panic attack, psychosis or any kind of pain etc in eg slovenia(could be other way arround or even for/from another planet) - meaning psycho physical health is at the mercy of a few terrorists by a push of a button, although artificial intelligence nowadays does that mostly by managing market illegally and with that - people's lives. Brainwashers uses ai doing that, so that it looks more natural and tries to convince this are all natural illnesses - altought it's just global breinwashing for a few assholes. "Mental illness" is used for wireless psychoSocial mindControl tests/business/torture/opression via ai. It can easily be called crimes against humanity because it's done wirelessly covertly on mostly all - some more some less, with time wireless electronic brainwashing almost became a sport - because it became super advanced with public not knowing much about it.
Wireless ai is nowadays used on maany without their knowledge, this is the only reason where "cancer"/others comes from, so if one wants to get rid of the "cancer", one has to get rid of mind programming abuse, not filling body with more toxins(vaccines,chemoTherapy,regular pipe water with heavy metals and organic compounds in it,etc), as simple as that - this holds true for any "disorder", illness or "mental illness" or depression or "life is hard" thing.
From this sooooo many problems sprouted a long time ago, which are here totally unnecesarily. Somewhere in the past mindTech/quantumTech/nanoTechnology flourished - and it was opening of a pandora box for humanity and other things, it seems crooks/brainwashers/proPsyEnergyExploiters were mostly the 1st they used it extensivelly. This also creates too superficial world - which many are probably already tyred of or bored with it.