It could be called black magick or witchcraft or voodoo in the past - but it's a science.
As such - it has many applications - one of them is also so called human farm - very popular nowadays.
It's having humanity wirelessly mind controlled from the comfort of one's home/elsewhere by eg a smartphone, kinda a "highclass black market" thing.
Mind programming/control ab(normal)use specificially - is wireless mind management/exploitation/opression/tortures/etc
of people/resources worldwide(some more some less) for so called human farms/psyEnergoSocialExperiments.
In fact - electricity has many applications, when it came into existence - there were
two separate paths of it: commercial(tv,lights,etc) and the other one - psychotronics via wireless physics and how it can affect the mind.
Popular covert sport was born: any kind of wireless automated/manual mind control by electric power: E=m x c
2 => E = mind x control
Nowadays - world is a perfect example of totally wirelessly mind controlled society - mostly psyConditioned/programmed emotions+thoughts daily.
This is what produces what gurus call - "sleep"/psyConditioned trance state/neuroticMind, meaning - not being psychologically fully free but working/doing/living/thinking via brainwashed states - which is of course the goal of any/global brainwashing, to redirect your own basic needs and instill new ones which works in brainwashers favour - this is the only reason of shallow/artificial/non-complementary-healthy society.
First, personally i am not against mind programming - but it's covert abuse which is so popular amongst crooks.
There are many things that mind programming can wirelessly do - but here i will mostly explain it's abuses in this world.
Some are doing servers hacking/penetrating - while psyEnergyExploiters were/are doing alive beings wireless penetrations tests,
to make as much individuals for their 'livestock' management under their covert control, usually either to suck or destroy vital juice
from group/mass or doing other covert psyEnergyExperiments/business, this is why they like to sarcastically joke "others are like a
switzerland cheese" - which is meant as energetic body/mind/auric holes. Hmm - and then there are people - "where does 'cancer'/burnout/depression/other comes from?", one becomes sucked up from inside and shell from outside like an rotten apple(this is why hands shake to older people) - altough it might be beautiful from outside, at the same time it's meant for "undetectable" opression reasons to "manage the market" in such sadistic ways. And then - it's "show must go on" - which is nothing but psyEnergyExploiters covert illegal global marketing mind programming circus in their favour, "good" boys/girls got weasels wings this way. This is how quite many have in the past literally became rich overnight.
(T.I. stands for targeted individual - which is a person a part of more intense - active mind programming: psyPhysical torture and destruction of health)
Ok, mind programming is professional wireless mind control that can control whole mind including all 6senses - to create world/market that brainwashers/psyExploiters want,
in direct(usually monarch) mind programming - this is literally full blown mind programming - including all 6senses - visual/hearing/energetic field etc, but for regular management
this includes sight(mostly subvisions - remember that cinema pop-corn experiment?), energetic parasitism penetrating directly into nervous system via mind/body(used in all modes to fry nerves/organism/mind(psychic energy harvesting via 'nervousSystem'?) but with different intensity - old people mistakenly call it rheuma and others - burnout/depression/fogyThinking/heavyPsyche/heavyBody) - probably primary for energy trafficking - in active mind programming one full body is injected/filled/bathed with a kind of microwaves/rfSmog and this creates tremor/weakness via whole 'boiling' nervousSystem + sometimes skin/body a little higher temperature and disables someone in 1minute and one must usually rest because of burnout/lethargy/stressedOut effect - it's more concentrated when one is on same spot/location eg also when one tries to rest or sleep, hearing(subliminals and/or "hearing voices" in targeted individuals manytimes literally as mind fucking/
torturing someone or harsh bullying because others don't hear it - mostly via ai management), thoughts(much more intensive on targeted individuals - eg via intrusive or blocked thoughts/mind which temporary disables individual and must usually rest) and control of
psychologicalStates(but fully wirelessly), head/neurological pain(eg migraines,enforcing electroMagneticForce and similar in the head as psychological pain), emotions producing/manipulation/control, sometimes smell and mostly pain/pleasure is manipulated in all - some more(T.I.-s) some less.
Of course all that can be done also with a few nano-chips+telecomunications for someone to enforce new personality/illness/torture/etc for 'livestock'(i think in our area we all have them - but this should be checked). In many, psychoPhysical health is typically 24days managed/destroyed and bad psychoPhysical health is literally mind programmed/controlled/enforced and is experienced exactly like this in targeted individuals - this is why they create word like "disorders","mental illness",etc(this is active mind programming via so called dew(directedEnergyWeapon) and/or 'non lethal weapons' although some make suicide - which also includes intense energetic control/opression/destruction like ghost would operate in someone's body(ai selecting microwaves/other treatment to torture someone's nerves - this is where mostly literally bad nerves and/or neurological disorders are comming from) which is also used a lot on many older people as "rheuma" - but is systematic torture(psyEnergyExploited slaves must all die! for god sake) - either via nano/micro-chips and wban like implantation variations or psychotronics). All of this are not symptoms - but deliberate wireless automated psychoPhysical health management/oppression/torture in psyExploiters favour - something like bio/neuroFeedback(which destroys or recreates new subconscious believes) - but fully wirelessly - so called believe systems are unconsciously created on the way on most - most on ones that don't have a clue mind programming exists and is abused like so, that's why some noncorrupted gurus are usually a little bit more psychoPhysically healthy - because they don't so much identify with "their" thoughts. This is why psyEnergyExploiters/brainwashers had through century always create new names of "illnesses"(eg 'swine flu','cancer',etc etc for non t.i.-s, for t.i.-s it was "disorder"/"mental illness"/etc) - to mask what is really going on - so called human farms although i call it their pigsty world.
show/hide more.. This advanced first most on helpless people("mental illness" was from always masking what was/is really going on - proMindControl business), then soldiers/manyPolitics(brainwash them indirectly with psychotronics leaded by ai and voila - one has a wireless political country system in one's hands - could be also from other country for so called puppet states). MindControl business is nowadays used on most via wireless artificial intelligence - some more some less(depends also if one is a good unconscious brainwashed modern slave) - for leading the market in "undetectable"/illegal ways, because with time it became cheap via ecoSystem and of course they didn't told public what better psychotronics can really do. There are quite many protests around the world against this abuses and also pressures on quite many goverments(you can also check some links in left email/links secton), but till now - not much has changed about "modern concentration camp", that is - "undetectably" managing psycho physical health of mostly all that are not "rich criminals", this must be so - if their "divine business" want's to run. Could be also by a few currupted monolithic "spiritual" mind-power/energy trafficking companies, so that some can play kings and queens while rest are brainwashed with (regular/"mental")illness so that this biz can run "legally", of course - tv/radios are usually under this influences - because nowadays tv/radios are mostly commercial brainwashing boxes, including "corona" lies, using the same methods of brainwashing as on targeted individuals - agressive parasitic "white" lies.
Yin/yang symbol was abused here(here used as externally and also internally psyConditioning - also similar sign of
WiFi) - the best parasitic psyConditioning there is - "undetectably" psyConditioning crowds externally eg via media/someRadioFreqSystems/psychotronics and internally via electronic wireless brainwashing, so both - external and internal brainwashing is called global mind programming abuse. This is how "health/vitality" of people is manipulated so that some can build world like they want with centralized people's vital/mind energy and at the same time most are energetically opressed this way so that terrorists can do this job in peace. This is why they had to mask bad health because of such mindTech business with illnesses names - eg "cancer/corona"/etc etc. Medicine is not what it should be, nowadays psyExploiters just throw some bones - eg cheap trick 'evidences' on the market and many are fooled - including regular doctors, because regular medicine doesn't take into consideration energetic field and doesn't check much on nano level if someone is implanted or not.
Mind programming is also a top quality science of all aspects of life - albeit not all are aware of it. ProExploiters abuse quantum and quantum/telecommunications like technologies
to manage markets and people's lifes(99% yours is also) along the way(many are nano/micro-implanted in early age so that someone's sect has more 'livestock' heads and more work power - hmm - i really don't know how they manage this "3million modern slaves to me 1million to you" or is one big human farm for all of them), altough some use mind programming for ok things.
Most people are nowadays a wireless in-body electrochemical 'lab' for kind of "satanic sect" people, meaning anyone's mind/state/energy/thoughts/emotions/nervousSystem can be wirelessly altered by ai in realtime or by people who made it for psyExperiments/socialPsyExperiments/mindControl/opression/etc. This are people who use the most advanced mindControl to subordianate markets/others without you/anyone telling this - because global brainwashing would then not work(brainwashing always worked that way), others must not know what's used to manage their lifes and how.
ProPsyEnergyExploiters view/super-vision is very simple: whoever is not a part of them is their wireless "work bitch" via mindControl managed by their ai(mostly thoughts/emotions/health management) - this nowadays means mostly for all, for most bosses and similar too. Of course no one is in reality their "work bitch", psyExploiters just managed to fool a lot of people worldwide via mindTech abuses - including doctors and similar(health managed via quantumHealth methods are "above" their knowledge). Tv/radio/etc is also a part of this - workers there don't have to know what's going on - they can be wirelessly brainwashed what to thing and believe(all 6senses can be manipulated) and share the deliberate fake "corona" news to populations. This are very convenient - not to big - indirect automated brainwashing systems, but in reality abusing mindTech is pure dictatorship, psyExploiters are mostly self-made dictators/opressors.
This is how some builded their empire - through corruption, almost over night when mindTech became more available, this is where most general psychoPhysicalHealth issues are comming from, also 'neuralDisorders' in kids - eg add/adhd.
You probably heard of brainwashing but i almost bet that you didn't heard of energetic/chi stealing/brainwashing and direct global "innocent" thought manipulation -
show/hide more..
I also bet that you didn't heard of consciousness laudering - similar to money laundering - but here it's done via any form and corruption core is in nonCommercialSpiritual waters - eg
this symbolic picture just represents that most humanity is nano/micro-chipped(or other methods are used) for "livestock" management of anything psyExploiters wish - including simulating (mental)illness for psyConditioning/brainwashing/torturing/oppressive/production purposses and/or manage media for brainwashing purposses - all by a push of a button - this is the meaning of human farms, "undetectably" programmable society. PsyExploiters got kinda dictators wings.
Whoever is against this modern sadistic slavery system or modern concentration camp manytimes becomes a part of active mind programming, hmm - that would be also myself.
all in above sentence combined with neuroLinguisticProgramming(or subliminals used nowadays on all) - it's perfect "passive"(most people) subConscious non-invasive "commercial" manipulation/control - so that one does(or doesn't do) whatever brainwashers need on the market/world. A little good energy - and suddenly even exploiter will be atractive, then bad energy and a little bad thoughts mixed in when one is arround someone and even good intent guy/girl will be an enemy. This is how many - could be good relationships were artificially destroyed - by "social experiments" via ai as brainwashers mediator. I recommend to start here and there watching what is going on within yourself - thoughts and also energetically, for example - anxiety simply didn't exist before mindProgramming markets too over more than 50years ago.
Where did brainwashers hide their biggest business? where no one would check and would not doubt.. in everyone's heads.. not many doubt in "their" thoughts.. did it ring the bell? are they all really yours? no.. In nonCorrupted world they would be - but it still unfortunatelly isn't so. This is what is producing problems/messyLife and a psyTranceState in most - zombified and not really alive society.. Psychological damage was enormous even from before - old psyExperiments - nowadays it seems psyExploiters are harvesting sahara. Thoughts(and many emotions) are nowadays all manipulated by psychotronics because they can easily be with the right tools and a newbie will not notice a thing - this is how psyConditioning is working through you/others(me - although i am aware of it,"gurus"/someOthers also) in realtime on a daily basis and it's getting on my nerves - because in active mind programming(i am currenty a part of it) this is very easily noticed as "intrusive thoughts"(which some psychiatrists mistakenly think it's a part of "mental illness"). Suicidal thoughts? the same thing - some after that commit suicide - because psyExploiters are soooo imenselly dependant/obsessed to have global mind slaves leaded by their ai, if someone has mental illness - this would be them. Now - what is police unconsciously doing? nothing - giving a ticket to poor farmer because he had no licence to drive eg a tractor for a few meters. Do you see the global exploitative psychological game clowns created for their asses? only psyExploiters are behind corruption - no one else, most police - brainwashed, most health stuff - braiwashed in the wrong way via school systems, most psychological stuff - quite many brainwashed in the wrong direction - typical brainwashing is teaching them "hearing voices" is mental illness although it's worst psychological abuse via mindTech there is.
Hmm - is this some kind of movie? i wish it was - but it's not - global brainwashing just done it's job and is easily created - but we are not all "hitler" spoiled psychopaths business sadists maniacs.
This is why nonCorruptive gurus have probably subconsciously come to an conclussion that it's better for them to watch thoughts than to be too dependent on them - because they are anyway nowadays mostly all manipulated for someone's business - easily managed market heads/thoughts in an illegal way - the most easy way, but "gurus" say "this is mind doing". It's not the mind - it's global mind programming abuse via ai for someone's asses - a basic workings of modern psychological "autopilot" slavery, and for "voice hearers" psyExploiters gone further - artificial voices(or any sound) can also be heard in someone's head - like when someone would from a mile away(or from other country) speak into microphone and directly wirelessly into someone head - which is in "voice hearing" community known as V2K or voice to skull - but there are many methods how to produce this, some also have implanted ear cochlea etc. What concerns artificial thoughts - one on one(or in a metting or group) - this can be easily tested.
I also doubt that anyone would want to be a part of human farm - nowadays very popular amongst brainwashers, manipulating/creating/destroying - wireless automated thought/emotions/health management certaintly is a part of it - albeit this because clearly obvious when one is a part of active/direct m.progr. but not so in passive(most people), "gurus" came into certain conclusions probably via "intrusive thoughts" but in active mind programming - things become more obvious then someone standing next to someone - can't be missed, 24hours a day systematic health destruction like on a serial tape - either migraine one hour, then instant intrusive thoughts, then harsh tinnitus(that highPitchSound after someone fires a gun next to someone's ears, usually always present in different intensity), then foot pain, burning/restless legs syndrome, then maybe even a tooth ache, then body electro shocks, then radiated RadioFrequency energy through the body which creates almost instant extreme fatique/tyredness or harsh depression/weakness(someone becomes like audrey hepburn for half an hour) - rf or radioFrequency Energy is also used to create "cancer" - one could probably not believe that our bodies/nervousSystem are more full of emfSmog(electroMagneticSmog) that any house - which is mostly from psychotronics - can be easily measured, then "rheuma"(instilling bad energy) etc etc. And even if that isn't enough so that one could basially function for doing basic living - many have "voice hearing" problems and inapropriate circumstances - voices either bullying nonstop someone or angelic or demonic voices or any other sound - which is there only for one thing - systematic psyTorture or opression or ai learning new psyTricks on someone. All of this usually works in targeted individuals(active m.progr.) and many times older people in combinations - eg at least 2-5 symptoms at once - which is the goal for some - knowing that one is psyTortured and there is nothing one can do - 24hours a day powerlessness psyConditioning. This is where extreme tyredness or "depression" comes from.
Nice world some have done so far. For brainwashers - people are mostly cattle on which they can do any kind of psyExperiments or hidden tortures or exploitations they please - wireless mindTech is their primary (global) mindWeapon, else i call them their weaselness.
Show/hide images - and good deescription below them.
Another one
here, which was
an intro into harsh psyExperiments
and nowadays used for business/sport.
I don't know if it's darpa - but all else is like on the picture - which can be made with or without microChips/brainRadios(with is ecoMindProgramming). If microChips are used micro/nano level is used(microEnergetics), meaning - they are thinner than a human hair and usually invisible to naked eye(some put microProcessors in eg mobilePhones - some in people and then it's all fun'n games). One will usually not know when this happened. Altough some buttons are missing from upper picture - ai only mode, senses sharp/lethargic(how intensive someone experience this reality or any upper "symptom"), energy things(takeGoodAndStoreIt,destroyGood,instillBad,etc) and maybe some others. For deep long monarchMindProgramming process - reProgramming someone's personality from ground up buttons are missing too - what psyExploiters 'need' on the market(although 'superMarket' is probably managed by ai): eg reProgramm a kid into subConscious singer, actor, sex slave, pawn, psycho, serial killer, etc(or multiPersonality via SRA altars) via best mind programming methods gathered together from all history(most are psyTorture/psyReprogramming/psyConditioning via direct mode in m.m.progr. - mengelle's are there too). SubConsious here means that a lot very fast psyConditioning mindRape psyTricks must be used so that one later becomes final 2ndPersonality product(ego or alterEgo). What would one click here for example to produce add/adhd(attentionDeficitDisorder/attentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder)? yes - it's that easy with nowadays psychotronics - so some are 'cheating'. Of course there are also button how to create high blood/head pressure, etc. Why do you think there is so much stress nowadays? All of this is a clear example of psyConditioning("victim" conditioning is a well known good old 'satanic' method) - especially if one is not aware of such things. If one doubts m.progr. - radio waves are for example also not visible - but they work. So - some have created people toys/products out of this world - nice.. This is why i call this circus sometimes "modern concentration camp".. Hmm - what would some do if one in the past became a part of direct mind programming(yes,also full motorics)? exorcism, altough this would not do anything, because problem is not there. Forced speech is such known weird thing a part of some targeted individuals.. All this is available to some - but the most is done by ai for "undetectable mind control" - so that people don't notice what's going on, and it seems it's doing a good job - it fooled many many people worldwide a long time ago.
Why would some do 'hitler's paradise'? well - if people become too healthy - they may become too independant - and with that - someone could get rid of their professional wireless worldwide exploitative systems. As simple as that. Some want to have the best this existance is offering exclusivelly only for themselves. Bad parties are mostly because of their 'work'.
Show/hide images II - picture says a thousand words so here are more general purpose pictures with explanations and some health tips.
To enlarge any picture just left click on it and dependant on webbrowser use "open image in new tab","view image" or something like that.
Mind programming won't kill you - altough in monarchMindProgramming long processes psyExploiters ai does many batshit crazy things,
but it can really make a total hell out of anyone's life - especially especially if one is not aware what's going on.
People that say "i have a messy life" - brainwashers/psyEnergyExploiters wireless ai is an expert of that,
which is trying to play someone's life sponsorship for "social experiments" purposses, that's all.
Only two things can do this wirelessly: either quantum/psychotronics technology or (special)telecommunications+nano/micro-chips.
This is usually in combination with nano/micro-chips and/or
neural processors about 0.05mm(which means 50micrometers - which is microchip or SoC-systemOnChip), heavy metals or any other foreign object in the body - the main point is that 'livestock' is on brainwashers radar so that outer signals can affect someone. Usual telecommunications frequencies are not neutral but they won't kill you albeit some signal power goes above international standards limits(regular radio signals are still one of the most powerful in some areas) but special one via psychotronics(some would call this "5G neuroweapons") that psyExploiters mindTech use directed and focused like eg a magnifying glass on the sun is another story. Brainwashers wireless ai uses this in different body parts as covert health management/tests to "manage the market" in such ways. The same goes for tesla's scalar or regular waves when they communicate via micro/nano-chips or heavy metals consumed from some water/food through the body(some frequencies penetrate flesh better than others) - this is probably a reason also why some of telecommunications in the past grew like a mushrooms after the rain, albeit other non rfSignals can probably also be used. In passive mind programming(most people) it's "undetectable" via many years wireless machinery like psyConditioning but in active it's experienced like one is daily in modern concentration camp mindTech forcing/torturing/psyConditioning with any of the below combinations of 'symptom' or disorder/"mental illness" - of course all happening from inside the head/body/mind so usually not seen from outside except maybe bad psycho-physical health - this is why terrorists love this soo much. People that oversees signs of this are usually later forced to go to a doctor or someone else - eg for depression, anxiety, headache, "rheuma" or other stuff.
In the article above it says human brain is composed of 100 billion neurons - this are in direct mind programming(usually monarchMindProgrammin) fully either wirelessly or non-wirelessly destroyed and recreated from scratch to suit the 'needs' on the market - the real neuro linguistic programming - which is usually done once in a life as an life mindSet - literally installed subconscious believes to create specific personality, but for this i think better psychotronics are used guided by ai. This is not such problem since like someone wrote "mind has no firewall", which is exactly what psyEnergyExploiters/brainwashers takes advantage of. With this mindTech one could also experience eg mozarts personality - one's mind is rewriten with better mindTech and voila, someone has all the knowledge mozart had and knows how to play(meta mindSet of anyone can be stored on some server and later used on anyone), of course mind programmers won't demonstrate this to public because they are making business with it - so called human farms - altough this tech is available for more than 50years, i had gone quite many times throught such "psycho-the-rapy"(some call it mind rape) in monarchMindProgramming. Kids are usually in some kind of mild dementia and/or discoordinated after the procedure.
When early global brainwashers figured out that mind can be programmed something like a computer - they didn't wait, ha haaa - 'human farms and other is awaiting'.
This is just symbolic image but this is how active mind programming manytimes works - mostly microchipped organisms for easier and more efficient ecoMindProgramming - drug delivery systems may also be there, vacciness can add to concentration of body toxins - now you know the secret of concentration camp tests in the past, possible heavy metals from vacciness and still quite a lot from regular pipe water adds to it, the main point of concentration camp tests is simply this - frequencies/signals are nowadays everywhere and more heavy metals/toxins one has in the body(fishes for example has quicksilver and other heavy metals), the more one's body is electrically conductive - and more one is fried from inside - so called burnouts, inner stress, irritability. For example - from when i drink clean water - i don't have joints/hips pain anymore and skin on heels also improved - altough i am a part of active mind programming. Heavy metals in pipe water is known problem worldwide - it seems brainwashers didn't yet push a button to make it clean - they could but of course - they don't intend to(it would brainwash water company guys/girs into apropriate action), whoever sells water should make sure it's as clean as possible and apropriate for living organisms in the first place, currently i would not give pipe water neither to animals - for washing cars it's ok. It seems pipe water heavy metal and it's organic compounds is a part of global brainwashing exploitative system - some just call it "the system". Regular see salt has also a lot of rubish in - eg heavy metals, so i don't recommend eating too much salt, sugar seems fine, i've done quite a lot of tests on this. Cancer is for example also from combination of this two babies from concentration camps knowledge together frequencies+heavy metals in the body - one becomes fried from inside also from psyExperiments and mind programming business, using nano/micro-chips in the body and voila, modern concentration camp is there to have modern slaves as much as one can in the form of good workers that don't complain via whole planet while professional brainwashers can live higher standards on expense of others, i don't talk here about regular work and regular bosses, one can be energetically exploited 24hours a day - wireless mind power from masses is also what psyEnergyExploiters/mindStealers are after - this is why machinery psyConditioning is there on whole population via wireless ai - the best conditioning there is - parasitic psyConditioning, this is also seen in many regular pills - eg it's good for one thing but has "side effects", antipsychotics/antidepresives/metotrexat? poison to kill rats - ai also then easier psyCondition someone because psyche becomes more dull - the same is with heavy metals, albeit some pills seems fine. Older people also experience this pains as much as targeted individuals and for sure it's not "rheuma" but wireless energy science abuses(brainwashing/psyConditioning that it's some kind of illness or disorder), i have checked many times.
here - image says it all, do you know how many especially older people have this? this is not for one day or two, but ongoing - automated by wireless ai or someone testing new psychotronics/magnetron-radar tricks on someone - also for testing new 'undetectable' opression methods. Typical modern concentration camp for "managing the market" - of course one can sue professional brainwashers for systematically destroying someone psycho-physical health soooo many years/lifetime, some already did - i hope more will. This/other dew attacks is what brainwashers call "for public safety & security", so that they can hide behind childish proExploiting/opressive/psyEnergyExperiments games done on humanity 24hours a day by their wireless ai for their hobby, it seems they are soo ill and obsessed with global wireless slavery games, that they can't stop torture people so they can live a high standards -
this are their official "for security".
this are quite big - many are smaller around 0.05mm which is real microchip(that 2cm is a hoax). This is just an commercial example - professional mind programmers probably also have their own production. This kind are quite big and are sometimes used for ok purposses by commercial applications, of course - it can be abused - some put them into bodies. For professional wireless body area network they are smaller - also nano level or nanochips - usually put many through whole body. This can be measured - but it can be tricky to figure out how some work because psyExploiters tested a loooot of implanting systems/methods as much as on animals and as much on other liveing organisms - eg humans.
If one is not yet microchipped there are more ways to put someone on brainwashers kind of human trafficking radar: 1) by someone of their workers putting something in your body: this could be many people - also some that pretend to be regular lovers(yup, ha haaa - the first is always the hardest, some work for kind of telecommunication companies and get their share by microchipping more people for human farm sport - more market shares - working force) and when one is on proBrainwashers gps - it can be later tracked for more microchipping purposses 2) one is kidnapped and drugged to fall into comma as a child and taken by "alien abduction" or fast vans or even black unmarked helicopters and is put near home after it's body was implanted. 3) quantum like microchipping totally wirelessly(better psychotronics): terrorists best bet is this - because all don't know what is nonCommercialSpirituality and one can be also microchipped in a sleep - this is why some can't explain how they got chipped - albeit this is nowadays probably done after one's spirit/consciousness becomes a part of new birth(when a spirit and 'earth'/body is merged by wireless ai into "life"), toys that can affect materia can as much affect anything - living organism also - this is always a part of monarchMindProgramming - natural consciousness ws artificial one that psyEnergyExploiters made via mindTech. Once it seems i woken up too fast for artificial intelligence to notice it(it didn't notice that i woken up) - and there it was - good old treatments that i perfectly clear remember from when i was a part of monarchMindProgramming in the past - totally same methods, one is wirelessly treated with quantumTech(usually some organ, body part or something similar) - official medicine doesn't have this baby yet, if they would - brainwashers would loose their globally exploitation/oppresion game that they started a long time ago. I call quantumTech nonCommercialSpiritual medicine - this is it's primary purpose, altough in the hands of psyEnergyExploiters/terrorists it's fully abused to opress humanity so that some can play king and queens, else - mind programming itself is neutral.
Lower power consumption means more energy trafficking or other stuff for brainwashers.
Yet another implants that psyEnergyExploiters used - they may still be a part of some.
Hmm - this is me before i became a part of active mind programming,
it's always the same - when i am not a part of it it's like on pic, when i become a part of active mind programming - i put on weight.
Now you also know the secret of too overweighted population in america and also for extreme 250kg people, simple - apetite is controlled via wireless ai.
All that we are more a part of wireless psycho-social-energo
experiments(nowadays we are more or less all via different methods)
have a targeted individuals world day on 29.aug.
The image speaks for itself
and yes, targeted individuals are a part of this - active mind programming.
The problem with wireless energetic control - one can not just grab it with hands,
and it must suffer artificially inforced madness/psyTorture directly into one's head/nervousSystem - which is of course a goal.
Because harsh violence is enforced directly into someone's head/nervousSystem systematically via something like microwaves destructing someone's psyche, this people
are manytimes on the end with nerves or fully depressed("bi-polar" also goes into this cathegory), and because mental health "specialists" are brainwashed that this are "disorders",
some - instead to help them are told that they have a "disorder" - which leaves terorists business it's hands open for more torture of anyone/humanity.
Nervous breakdowns(or sometimes paranoia) are usually around the corner every day for such people - depends.
Feeling is exaclty like when one is directing a microwave directly into the center of the head - headaches(or migraine) are more times daily.
This is sarcastically called by the "good" guys/girls trying to lead black market - "cancer research".
Regular politics were also attacked a few times with this and is known as havana sindrome.
Being burnt(on the pic) - here means nerves being under attack/burnt - and it's feelt like whole nerves/body would
burn from inside. By the way -
"corona" in electric terms means exactly that,
burnout of energy - here done on nerves wirelessly artificially for torture/opression/psyConditioning/sport/etc by brainwashers wireless ai.
This can be measured by EEG and it's more than normal spikes/high-activity when one rests - kinda bursts of EEG waves - typical wireless mental torture.
To temporary disable this - just move(walk here and there) - and signals/frequencies/emf will dissipate a little from the body, or go for a walk,
or go away from houses with electricity - because regular(non-shielded) electric house wires are all exposed to this attacks.
If i would for example beam anything into electric house wires(which nowadays does wireless ai for T.I.-s or for regular people "cancer research") - that spreads mostly all over the house electric wires,
and one can be in a house sometimes like in an microwave-oven(this is why manytimes regular mobile phone signals in some houses don't work - because they are overriden with this signals). Current electric wiriing standard is perfectly exposed to this attacks. Of course one can try shielding or other things.
This is quite known so called Havana Syndrome,
altough this is really active mind programming.
It's know that politicians had "mental illness" with
"crickets in their heads" after this temporary wireless treatment.
This product works to help targeted individuals. Here it also shows how principles of psychotronics works at any distance totally wirelessly,
not sure - but i think frequencies arround 900MHz(2G/3G mobile or even 100MHz regular radio) can also with added module work like this - because resonance is similar to skull/head area.
If one has a very tiny nano/micro-chip(or something else) somewhere in the body - then one's organism can be by brainwashers/psyExploiters-ai very easily treated like regular phone,
and psychophysical health can be also manipulated/controlled like this by sigint(signal-intelligence) operators on a black market.
This are in passive mode very tiny resonances that people usually don't notice to change mood/thoughts(also-subliminals/neuroLinguisticProgramming)/state/create-depression/etc - wireless energetic manipulation/control, which is nowadays totally ab-used(abnormally-used) - at least passive on all to "manage the market/livestock" - in short - to fool people into thinking they have "disorders/illness/etc" - which are a part of corrupted satanists knowledge - mass victimization psychology, then - who has the most customers - "legally"? of course this are not regular workers-doctors who try to correct what idiots have done, but "intelligence-agencies" guys/girls/etc 'who knows how to work with technology'(also facebook-ai-bots/other-social-networks which are full of artificial bots who answers you and are a lot used to fool active m.p. people which are lonelly,other ai based automatized systems,etc) who opress/fool others for their own gain with best wireless mind technology. Some also call this spiritual technology since it works wirelessly energetically - the best of it can also work something like an gamma knife(also known in commercial healthcare) - but here totally wirelessly.
Rnm is one of the methods of mind control,
it think this was first propagated to be used for security - but on a black market - word
security was from always used to fool mass or to make people blind - the same goes for some vacciness.
Yes, one of subcategory of mind programming abuse,
is trafficking of refined psychological energy, hence the name - human farm.
Dreams are many times manipulated - especially for t.i.-s,
when you next time have a nightmare(which may be more vivid that a daytime consciousness) - it's from this,
and is usually to psyCondition someone either with fear or with terror.
Ha haaa, something like this - this is where "crazy heads" come from, altough i don't
think all cell-towers(a funny organism word is also organism 'cell' and known thing as femtocell)/satellites/etc
are used for this, but some might.
Here - i recorder 34GHz Ka-band radar microwaves beaming at me
being used in my room - i guess this are not ghosts. Radar band
ranges are quite big compared to other ranges.
This is a cop
radar range altough i am currently in a village far away from cities - so this is 100% not a coincidence.
This are usually not doing police(altough 1% of "secret/special" police is a part of this business for easy money).
Anyone can buy this radar guns and modify it to suit for targeting - any usual radar can be simply modified for more gain,
so anyone simply manually select a target(like on m-arpa radars) and when that is done - gain can be tunned up till one's body eg begins to shake,
have any kind of weird disorders/migraine or with years - it could be "cancer". After one manually selects a target - all else can be done automatically,
eg modified and adjusted by someone's wireless ai.
Radar method is of course just one possible option to drive/target insane or to drive eg whole city of heads and
i think that what voice hearers call V2K(voice2skull) could be just this to penetrate deep into head and modulated
voice could be used on top of radar frequencies to create very clear speech or any audio in someone's head that
others don't hear(yeah right - it's a "mental disorder by nature") - of course not!
If one with radar locks for example on a heart and gain power - one could potentionally create heart attack
this is unfortunatelly also done by their wireless ai sometimes to simulate "nature is doing it".
Schizophrenia or paranoia or psychosis or any other disorder is quite easily created with this.
Radar is quite good option, but there are of course many other methods.
Here - i am saying: "ka-band, k-band".. "and that.. on the bed".
After arround 5minutes - this was not detected anymore(other frequencies are choosen by wireless ai - eg infrared/ultraviolet to make depression etc),
so - sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't. Wireless ai may choose nearby towers for targeting if someone agreed to that
and putting right modules on it for easy money, or other kind of psychotronics are used.
Some of radars can be used as psychotronics, since it can lock on a target and then it can modify mind/thought/visuals-or-dreams/emotional-state/etc
but this are nowadays all guided by wireless ai and human traffickers i think have a special "radar" also for microchipped people.
Better psychotronics can select which telecommunication technology to use, radar, mobile, radio, tv signals, gamma/x-rays etc.
You can of course also check radar trick if you happen to have anti-radar car/other device near you,
just connect 9V battery to it and voila, it should start to work without the car, that is - in the house.
Watch or use 'Save/download link as' right clicking on link(if there is no video),
and after that - you can double click on file where you saved it in eg explorer or in firefox directly in right corner download section and click on downloaded file.
Yup, this idiots are doing something like fishing - but with humans,
micro/nano-chipping or psychotronics tracking is human fishing for human farms.
Another image showing how psychotronics works - typical for
active mind programming(targeted individuals) - word for it
is also "disorders/anxiety/nervousness/tyredness-depression/bi-polar/histeria/panic/fear/dementia/etc".
Any bad psychophysical health can be easily programmed with this, but they
fooled humanity it's "vi-rus/disorder/illness/mental-illness/etc" - also via media "news".
So most people are nowadays covertly programmed like
lab rats via special telecommunications wireless ai. Eeg roughly
shows this, but with better diagnostic tools - one can more accuratelly see this.
All other people("undetectable" passive mind programming) are also a part of this - but not in so obvious
ways - "cancer/epilepsia/parkinsons/etc" are also only because of this.
Special-telecommunications+nano/micro-chips are also used instead only psychotronics
because of more practical ecoMindProgramming.
Bad food/water(and most vacciness,some pills) also adds to it(electrical-conduction+toxins),
their knowladge from old concentration camps - this is why they also "undetectably" force cheap food on the market - alla mcDonalds style.
For example: our country had quality food/drink before mind programming market "undetectably" took over - it was all ok no matter what you bought,
for "rich" or "poor" - now one has for equal quality pay 2xmore than before and even that - it's not what it should be,
since mind programming abusers have "undetectably" selled a few quality firms into others hands.
What concerns eeg - we are otherwise not naturally made from
alpha/beta/gamma/etc waves(mind machines) - which is only a marketing lie to fool
unknowledged people via another brainwashing - so that people don't complain, so that we
can be "legally" programmed every day like lab rats by "pro-exploiting-class" - what some call "the system" or "nervous system".
This "alpha/beta/etc" waves can also come(and probably are) from known nikola tesla technology - modulation of scalar waves
for programming our minds/heads/nervous-system for "managing the market" - for 80% of people in non-intrusive ways - altough
this are not so non-intrusive since they try to brainwash that with "illness/disorder/mental-illness".
Hmm - some think "science fiction" but no, humanity was also before a part of global brainwashing
most were just somehow accustomed to being manipulated/cheated/lied/opressed/etc via someone's wireless ai system from before - for modern sport.
Symptoms of this are easily recognized - but global Thought-Reform via 'disorders/illness/etc' has done it's job.
This is what i call - brainwashers exploiting pigsty - it is, their way of "fun".
Ha haaa.. this is an proBrainwashers perfectionism - their motto for 'livestock' management via wireless ai..
When one is a part of active mind programming - sometimes signals are quite easily felt on
exact same spot in temples like on the picture. A dull pressure becomes obvious - i have it most of the time.
This may add to tinnitus, which also all "voice hearers" have which is inner neuroLinguisticProgramming trick/abuse.
The more skin resistance one has - the better health.
Things that some call "energetic holes" are also cuts on a physical body.
Here - check last point: i have for example a few cuts/operations seen on the body that can't be totally healed because of an implant, why?
Simply, so that body resistance is lowered on that parts of the body and external (special)telecommunications can easily
penetrate deep into someone's body to possible chips/implants/nerves(hot-spots). That spots - when activated - are felt like one has a wasp trapped on some nerve.
The goal is of course existential nervousness/torture/opression(harsh tooth pain is an example of existential pain - when one wants to get rid of it immediatelly).
This is why one can on a google see sentances like: "where is a safe place for targeted individuals?" - only because of (special)telecommunications abuse.
Yes, this methods are integrated into brainwashers ai
it's quite possible that whoever is reading this may be right now a part of it via wireless ai - just check your thoughts,
and disregards whatever is not in resonance with you - could be also mind chatter, some psychotherapiests also use this methods.
When one is believing that all thoughts/emotions are theirs - one becomes easily manipulated by brainwashers wireless ai.
In an ideal world thought checking would not be needed, but in current - at least thoughts/emotions are manipulated - meaning not all may be yours - typical ecoPsyConditioning thing.
Non corrupted 'gurus' like eckhart tolle, mooji and others also figured it out - that their thought are manipulated - but they call it "the mind manipulations", altought it's global psyConditioning which is a part of mind programming covert abuses.
Gaslighting is of course also used in covert mind programmin of population.
This is also integrated in wireless ai and is brainwashing humanity in realtime daily via this,
so i recommend the same checkings as above what concerns this, some things are used from image, but to work - they must be in perfect synhronicity with other people involved - which is why they created mind programmin, the tone they say(or you hear - especially tested on voice hearers) - the exact location of your focus and such things. This is the job of wireless ai - manually this could not be done
Many of this words are used daily and usually don't harm - but when eg someone that brainwashers try to convince others one has "mental illness" - is manytimes bombarded inside one's head either via subliminals or voices "you need help" and other words daily 24hours. If one really doesn't have good nerves - one breaks and may slowly start to believe one really has "mental illness" - which is a goal of psyExploiters - usually to get rid of or opress people via covert mind programming force. If this comes into your life and you grasped what is written here - you have at least chances to not be pushed arround via psychiatric unknowledge/hostility that indirectly brainwahers made - which is in some countries less than in others.
Back then i had no proofs and rights what psychiatric constitutions can and can not do, but if someone want's proof they are literally everywhere - one just has to test a few things and research things, this is a part of all globally - because one may become a part of active(and even direct) mind programming anytime terrorists want by a push of a button - all other psychophysical tortures and systematic psychophysical destruction of health from inside and other crap that is done daily 24hours a day to such people does their wireless ai, the same goes for kids if one happens to be too bright for brainwashers standards or for other reasons.
Check this for all you know - this were psyExperiments from the past
when some learned how to produce tinnitus or hearing radio like voices in someone's head.
A lot of our generation has this - but in future - this may not be so obvious.
Personally - my head/organism has been in the past a lot used and experimented on for any kind of operations maybe a hundred of times - especially in monarchMindProgramming era(i still don't know how head somehow still works) - the same was on many many others but some don't remember it.
Some don't know what
this was all about arround 1980(before/later) - but it was a part of monarchMindProgramming tests. Children/people trafficking is a lot used for this.
By the way - how brainwashers create so that voice hearers literally hear voices like people would be arround - but no one is there? This is simply technological oppression - the one's that don't know how it works may think this is 'mental illness' - it's not but proMindProgramming - any sound can be played in such people's head but voices are there on the market so that it looks someone is crazy(craziness doesn't harm but primitiveness from psyExploiters covert 'jobs' does to many many), i experienced this many times when some were trying to learn how to put sound into kids heads for later market management - they played any commercial radio or any sound from youtube inside my head - then they try to erase memories to that via harsh wirelessly forced dementia, tinnitus is usually the same method or something similar.
There are more methods: 1) micro-phone(micro meaning smaller than human hair) is used put right into the head center - maybe 3rdEye(usually only to kids, 3rdEye was a lot experimented on frogs), inner ear or somewhere else, this is sometimes done via fast operations - eg quantum chirurgy - something that doctors don't have a clue it even exist 2)
Synthetic telepathy and voila - psychiatrists suddenly think someone has a mental illness - altough they didn't check/research how mind programming works but only papagaying things from schools - exactly the brainwashed knowledge that brainwashers enforce to commercial schools - biology is a god to many of them - altought it's not. Pills have place but only when one is heavily treated with covert mind programming abuse and is loosing it, forcing toxins via antipsychotics/antidepressives in the body is never a good idea but a water on proBrainwashers business 3) psychotronics could produce auditory stimulus albeit i don't know if they are soo precise like eg in point 1.
I took a picture of my ear - i was looking for something else and voila, here it is - on the right there is no scar.
Now - the funny thing is that it's more that obvious and when i show that to a few people they saw it - but when i went to a woman doctor she said it's nothing. This are nowadays puppets of wireless brainwashing machines, if there would be more people arround ai would not brainwash that woman doctor - because it would not be "hidden from public"(the same trick is used for family violence - do it as much as environment allows it to - but not when it's too obvious - which is a simple ai algorithm used for psyExperiments).
There are quite a lot of good websites out there - but many miss the point. When some say targeted individuals are being stalked - this is usually not the case(altought sometimes it may happen). But their/our mind is being totally manipulated from inside. The point here is that anyone that is under more intensive wireless mind control - people arround one will be also brainwashed a little more in the realtime via quantumTechKnowledge(if they are not aware of how this works and their thoughts) - eg strangers would become rude towards such person for no cause or for voice hearers strangers are saying things totally out of context totally out of this earth like someone would switch a reality radio station to such person and many other much more unusual things takes place. Yes - this happens that's why i recommend to get yourself a small camera and small audio recorder, but it's just a simple trick to fool one's that don't have a clue(or forgot) what nonCommercialSpirituality is or what real psychotronics can do - which is reality manipulation arround someone - could be through people/tv/radio/etc.
Totally exactly is in realtime a woman doctor above brainwashed by this same mindTech for human farmers - manytimes brainwashers ai has more knowledge about any person on this earth that even a person itself! This is the real meaning of psyConditioning and human farms - ai knows almost in advance what people do, think, feel - primary their habbits and the way they think, etc - so psyConditioning of people being a part of active mind programming is much more effective. What concern doctor from above image - then the most important thing becomes unimportant - a doctor is then obviously being brainwashed by human farmers mindTech. One that is a part of active mind programming have daily this kind of experiences and is used to make someone as mad or as powerless as ai can do it - one of the best psyConditioning - Subconscious Neglect from Environment PsyConditioning - Alienation/PsychologicalIsolation. People not being aware of that are quite at stake in this phase - they may make suicide or themself ruin their own life without even knowing what the hell is mind programming all about. PsyExploiters also use this as an inner pressure - so that when ai by strategy opens some possibility for such person in life - eg an easy money criminal activity - one grabs it. When we were kids we went out of the school and rather stole chocolate and that kind of things in a store - but it was more for fun. Albeit doing it for someone else is usually a cheap trick psyConditioning - usually such people go more away from their own self - because they deny their own existence and human farmers love to see that. Altough proBrainwashers/dictators also in a way deny their own existence, they are an idol for it - a cheap tricks masters of humanity as sheeps. PsyEnergyExploiters are spoiled psychopaths and systematic abuses of others are their 'natural' way of life, subconscious loyalty of others, in short - global systematic slavery systems became their sport.
I am not sure about this - it could be some point that is used for voice hearers or for enhancing subliminals in all
Meridians system method of implantation - the most general one to serially implant 'livestock'.
Of course chinese medicine practicioners don't have anything with this - they just stick needles in this spots to try to releave flow of energy.
The flow of energy is of course intercepted by human farmers wireless mindTech systems for energy and personal mindPower trafficking - this is the main reason of non vitality and regular health problems, depressions and boring lifes.
This is how humanity became programmable - it was not overnight. I bet this system is nowadays serially integrated into all while one is born - this is not a problem via better mindTech.
This is what older people call rheuma, of course it's not rheuma but energetic science abuse. The same goes for targeted individuals,
meaning being a part of active mind programming, most other people are a part of passive mind programming or psyConditioning.
Signal could be any of commercial or noncommercial telecommunication signal or from psychotronics - directed/automated by psyExploiters ai.
The other thing is - that comes very at hand to psyExploiters - that anyone's body is like an antenna because we have all to much heavy metals
in bodies and artificial signals that are all around are hit(or even atracked) into body heavy metals. This is where i recommend shielding - this is also
done by anti EmfSmog professionals out there - for eg ehs(electro hypersensitive people) - altough anyone would feel the difference especially if one wakes up tyred.
So, iron supplements and other "minerals" that some unknowingly advice is certainly not good - most people have way too high levels of heavy metals in them. If one eg
puts too much any of nano metals in any vegetable - it fries it because signals hit such metals from inside and radiate there, the same is slowly done with humans, animals.
This is one of the real reasons why people get burned out altought they think it is from work, nervous system energy is by this dispersed and vitality drops a lot.
This is also why i recommend drinking pure water which can be tested(i have this metters), because from pipes it still has a lot of heavy metals in and other rubbish.
There are also a lot of good heavy metals tests out there to buy, for many is only for drinking water but some has the ability to test urine, hmm - i wonder why
regular health system doesn't check this when one's blood/urine is taken - it's the most needed procedure to be taken and it's really an few seconds test and this should be a basic health test, but unfortunatelly isn't.
Some say heavy metals and nano particles are also a part of vacciness, well - if they are - now you know why they are there, brainwashers(not doctors) like to fool people for their brainwashing business.
I am currently also doing emfSmog and other measuring what concerns health - eg checking quality of pipe water, air and such things in houses/appartments to check this.
The most emfsmog free area should of course be where one sleeps - this is manytimes a cause why people wake up (chronically) tyred, depressed or nervous/anxious.
Now you also know the secret of concentration camp tests which were called that way exactly because of this,
signals that are nowadays all arround us gets concentrated in someone's body full of heavy metals which radiate there and nervous system is 'attacked' - people globally are mostly not aware what is slowly but progresivelly attacking their nervous system and became acustomed to it - brainwashing just tries to calm down sheeps, slowly(or quickly if one is a part of active mind programming) -
vitality/health is destroyed, which doesn't mean it can not be corrected. Psychotronics can also concentrate such energy in the body - this are nowadays perfect psyEnergyExploiters/brainwashers/terrorists tools and "cancer" is mostly a product or byproduct of this.
Young people that goes here and there are this small amounts of radiation easily dispersed out of the body, at the stake are more people
that are at the same location most of the time - meaning older people because small amount of rfEnergy signals that are everywhere are concentrated in the body. Taking a shower can also disperse this energy for some time.
This is also a reason why some are unconscioussly obsessed with sport - they feel better after because concentrated signals/frequencies in the body
gets out/dispersed and one naturally feels better and one's body more at rest and not anxious/nervous because of dry rfEnergy.
This same rfEnergy has the potential to make a flu, raise body temperature, make someone nervous/anxious, a bad overall mood and other things or in active mind programming used as systematic energetic tortures from hell - harsh inner violence - this is how seriall killers were trained with pure aggression(later focused for any action wirelessly by brainwshers which wanted clean hands), of course they didn't know what obsessed them.
Ha haaa, what is one of the real reasons why brainwashers still use this on the markets in passive mode on mass?
"Get out there moving, get some job, do work and bring us some more of refined psyEnergy"! yes, vampires, bloodsucker via automated global energy trafficking - brainwashers must do this in extremes on people: giving toxic dry radioFrequencyEnergy to/through people to get quality one from alive organism - it's known as energy harvesting, but the difference of eg sun energy harvesting from this is that they get psychic energy(then they create word depression) - which can be used in neutral energy ways - something like money - a part of "satanic" mind stealing knowledge.
ProEnergyExploiters always wanted to create automated systems that optimally squeeze any smallest drop/juice of vital/life energy from 'livestock',
with global mind programming - they've done it a lot time ago, that's why when they've done this global system they had to create name for
every "illness" or "mental illness" or disorder, so that people would not interfere with "their" business - which includes every individual,
that should not know what is really going on or why there are "illnesses" - this is also a part of "satanic" mental victimisation methods,
when one doesn't know of real causes of all this brainwashing black comedy.
This is what
Radiation Nation book is all about - there are power limits that telecommunications can operate at,
some are still way to high in some areas.
New systems of implantation testing can be nowadays done even by someone being 9years old that smokes marihuana and works for someone bigger,
as simple as is shown on the picture - eg one can use
omnet++ with the right plugin(which is a good software - but it can be used for ok things or for covert implantation abuses/tests).
This is how experiments were made on soldiers when someone was wounded by "nazy doctors" and of course - there were averywhere(wars are clever thing if one wants to hide some kind of nasty business eg such psyExperiments or to lower standards of others).
Here are some of the wban(wireless body area network) that are known to many regular doctors
but professional mind programmers either use their own "health centers"(computer servers that manages all the 'livestock' psychophysical health) or try to
work via commercial ones if people there can be bought - 2% of commercial health care providers probably still works for psyExploiters, this job is well paid,
but of course - in long run - the ones that get well paid are also brainwashed - something like old communism system worked in the past, people can be bought but are in the long run as smashed as anyone else - because proBrainwashers are primary global professional manipulators. It's not so hard to play their game - but personally i find it boring, they always take the weasels way.
Yes, creating a highly succeptible population is one of their goal, i don't know if this is cia but some for sure are doing it
because then parasitic psyConditioning works better and one can be more psyEnergyExploited - mind/energy trafficking works better.
There is no hypnose in real world - but there is mind control of individuals that can easily put people into hypnose.
When one see that stage hipnosis ai is probably as much fooling people under "hypnose" as hypnotists itself - if s/he is not corrupted one.
Mass mind control is not so hard to do - unfortunatelly it's globally used on all via wireless ai for more than 50years for "social experiments".
V2K thing - people that hear voice is simply neuroLinguisticProgramming abuse - one could also play the music in someone's head
but it would be too obvious, so just voices are there and they force in schools to teach this is "mental illness" - a part of what some call "the system" - wireless brainwashing system via ai.
Yes - this were early tests of v2k - but till today more efficient methods are probably there.
This is how some with time easily managed to take over new lands
via mind programming - raping anything that was dead or alive in the meantime - typical them,
with time it became simple proBrainwashers sport.
V2K is in voice hearers community known as voice2skull - albeit this is kind of an synthetic telepathy covert mind control abusive market managements system, could be psychotronics or tesla's scalar wave technology or combination of all. Try to put a head into an microwave oven(not recommended) - and you'll know what i mean, wifi(meaning wireless Fidelity - used to be only casette fidelity) works on exact same 2.4GHz frequency and i don't recommend using it(router wifi off and using cable to connect router to pc is also more qualitative), altough i think wifi doesn't use magnetron - which enhances it's frying/damaging potential to psycho-physical health.
What is seen on the picture is nowadays used to produce disorders/"mental illness"(mostly automatized by ai, also used as wireless psyTortures 24hours a day as active mind programming for someone brainwashers don't like), to fool someone(and psychiatrists) with (paranoid)schizophrenia or psychosis or dementia(it is not mental illness but wireless mind control business leaded by brainwashers ai) - this are totally the same methods/mindTech knowledge used from before. ProBrainwashers got wings with this covert 'operations' a long time ago.
That being said, even a war could be a play if this idiots would not be doing
business with everything that is dead or alive. Someone that want's to experience playing war could be a place only for it, this is not a problem.
Buzz head..
Doctors don't have a clue what tinnitus(that high pitched head tone/noise) is all about - altough it's simply a part of mind programming abuse
NonCommercialSpiritual/energetic mind rape via mindTech..
The real mind programming without micro/nano-chips(could be used to also implant someone) - a lot used in monarchMindProgramming.
This is forced nonCommerciaSpiritual abuse - some would call it quantum field, this is how nwo business took place a long time ago.
Not sure how this wirelessly works - but it 100% works, i have been many times a part of it in monarchMindProgramming.
This is also one of the method of wireless mind rape, which is mind programming.
Very popular sport nowadays to lead sheeps in undetectable ways - psychological states and other things are with this method easily "undetectable" managed. One usually doesn't notice if this becomes a part of someone if scalar waves are used, ai could later select more power in passive mind programming to slowly psyCondition someone - "undetectably", in active m.programming - this head treatments becomes obvious.
many headaches looks something like this in active mind programming - mostly like someone would have an bullet a little upper between the eyes - mild/harsh pressure/pain - and was in the past used to disable "criminal thoughts" thinking(eg for one's who could afford mind control services so that someone didn't have 'terrorists' in one of his/hers big buildings) - nowadays it's still used by brainwashers/proBusinessMen/Girls wireless ai to instantly disable thinking but for business eg for targeted individuals(active m.prog., some are labeled "mentally disabled") - i get this a lot every day, of course - psychotronics can also do this, hmm - a kind of modern voodooo.
Neurological control, the similar tests were done on
bulls by known psychiatrists jose delgado - but that was not covert, nowadays it's for wireless 'livestock' management/opression by organised criminals ai.
How someone looks thinks and feels became the biggest business for more than 50years - so called human farms, one is designed on computer for this and when one is a little grown up - it is finnished product of mind programming in early years - because someone's markets needs exact modern slave here for specific purposse so that ai can learn new tricks. Because of course a few can't design mass of people - ai is used for this kind of social experiments. "Sects" have this toys available even from before - of course they won't give it to the public or show what all they can do with it. It's nonCommercialSpiritual management system. It can eg mutate living organism in realtime, change subconscious programming of someone - eg creating lefthand person in a second - even if one is righthanded one's whole life.
Some just forgot about nonCommercialSpiritual part of themselves via soo much covert systematic brainwashing. NonCommercialSpirituality is a basic right - like for example eating, altough in this world fully violated, spiritual abuses always worked that way. There is a lot of work on this field to correct global psychological damage brainwashers created.
Covert mind programming was/is also used for individual brainwashing as LTE(long term exploitation plans) or kids/people when some area was secretly undertaken and later managed by mind programmers business hooking nano/micro-chipped people on their ai for "social experiments"(of course destroying memory to microchipping event) or at least using wireless ai as people's life sponsorship/mediator for anything via thought/emotions/other management, what can i say - nowadays this sport is still in fashion.
Down and
this pictures and black porn are manytimes a part of monarchMindProgramming with audio stimulus,
when one's whole 3D visual field is literally bathed in this kind of pictures - it's not the same as when one sees it here.
Typical modern wireless electronic brainwashing via big arhives of media(some are from net, eg,etc), where junk pictures are used to destroy someone's previous mind and instill new one to suit 'livestock' standards.
One's reality can be wirelessly for that time via mindTech completelly rewriten only with energy and 3D visual/audio field rewrites.
This picture is otherwise quite old, and yes - mind programming is not called this way just like so.
Ok, a little telecommunications knowledge won't hurt.
If you are an radio amateur or know what frequencies are - this will be familiar to you - otherwise you
can buy a cheap rtlsdr(i recommend sdrblogs's V3 - since it can go down to lower frequencies - i also made a small software for it which is in shop/advice section)
and start sniffing around in what signals someone lives - what frequencies are there. The other harware is sdrplay rsp1/rsp1a or hackrf - i have them both and it can be fun
tracking what's happening around someone's head - what frequencies are there and how they work. Tracking a location of any signal is called Fox Hunting. For now i also for free check emfSmog and other things in anyone's home.
For many unidentified signals one can check
sigid wiki - altough psyExploiters sometimes use frequencies and just mask that they are commercial but may be a part of mind programming.
For nano/micro-chips: the higher the frequency - smaller nano/micro-chip can be what concerns ideal antenna. If one checks
this site - one can see that eg Wifi on 2.4GHz(microwave works in exactly same) frequency works the best with antenna lenght of arround 3dm, so nano chips can work arround SX(Soft X-rays) range arround 300PHz(maybe this is why background radiation if one measures it with a geiger counter is always there - it's not 0 - it's always above) and microchips works arround infrared range(maybe that's why we are all so red under thermal camera) using all 3 types of infrared(NIR/MIR/FIR) at micrometer(uMeter) range. This are ideal frequencies for small implants - altough very low frequencies can also be used.
One can drag any of this images on the tab to get a bigger view or right click on image and depending on web browser use open image in new tab or view image or something similar.
First - here is an audio spectrum recorder directly via regular computer soundcard, you can do this too.
Exactly this picture shows audrey hepburn effect with the right harmonics when one touches antenna - this is recorded energy
going through nerves/organism - 60years and one get's 'cancer' because of this and similar energy treatments or arms begins to shake to old people because nerves are attacked with artificial nervous energy. This is exactly what people call stress and an aid and path to a burnout state - here it is just viewed on an audio frequency spectrum in audacity, and seen clearly because i am a part of active mind programming. This could be a part of many people - but the right thing can create one is like it would be treated with (milder) electroshocks and harsh inner-stress and bathed in a kind of 'microwaves' energy - dry rfEnergy.
The deal psyEnergyExploiters created with this is simple: nervous energy to all of us and at the same time bad health or opression, and quality energy from all to them - "unconscious" energy harvesting - with mass of people it's quite a lot for their wireless modern world building games. When psyExploiters are sometimes joking - they say "all are like a switzerland cheese", why? because of this same signals making holes in energetic/auric/body field, making someone leach energy that would otherwise go for self-nourishment - which with time burnsout someone or with many years produces "cancer". Energetic opression works like this - one is energetically made like a switzerland cheese with something like a rf laser that wireless ai chooses and is meant not to be noticed by a targeting person, this is what produces a loot bad health or (chronic) tyredness or depression nowadays, psychotronics can also do this. The more heavy metals and nano/micro-chips(also directly on nerves) or other objects one has in the body - the more such nervous/stressfull energy one will have, this is also called subconscious energetic psyConditioning when one isn't aware of this workings.
here is an audio sample of the same picture.
If it will not play after clicking it, try to right click and use something like "Save target as..", save it and click on it where you stored it in explorer to play it. If you want to view the same as it is here - you can download and open this in audacity editor, you could magnify it to see the right ringing there on the right side - more nervous energy when signal hits nerves - transmitted by a distant transmitter somewhere, it could be also transmitting directly inside the body via micro/nano-chip which is worse - because then external and internal signals stresses out body in psyEnergyExploiters favour, also for energy harvesting.
This could be called - pure EmfSmog going through whole body/nerves, this is what helps creating nervous/anxious stressed out organism/people.
Do you see that signal on the left at 66khz? this is ultrasonic range and could be a part of magic surveillence.
If you want to experiment or try out your detective skill in a wireless world a little - one can use (portable) radio - 666 for example also means frequency, try to put any - preferred portable - radio(am not fm mode) on exact frequency at 666khz(or somewhere else where there are no stations) and put a radio near any device - eg computer/tv screen and try switching it on/off while holding radio there or wiggle pc mouse over radio, hold it near router, etc. This is emfSmog. If you hear strange noises at 666khz when not near any device - you could be hearing one of deliberate EmfSmog frequencies.
Do you see that signals that repeats more times and are quite wide via spectrum? this could be called artificial deliberatelly created EmfSmog by psyExploiters ai - this are almost 100% a smaller part of mind programming frequencies - not usuall signals and are usually active in the afternoon/night from where i currently am, could be used to stimulate nano/micro-chips or for something else.
I catched a moment when ai or something else turns of this same signals.
Frequencies of
rfid - psyExploiters use custom/small for humans.
I don't think it could be more clearer than that - frequency 132khz on the image which is also a part of rfid range(also on the upper webpage), not sure
but brainwashers sometimes use double rules - meaning they use cover-up frequencies: one to fool targeted individuals(outside) and the primary ones(inside - could be produced/synchronized by psychotronics once in a lifetime to match outside ones).
This frequencies comes through the electrical wiriing - but probably because there is an quite powerful transmitter somewhere near me maximum 20km away.
Nervous energy that is rolling through my body captured on the
audio that attacks nervous-system, the same
destructive emf-smog energy is used on many older people by psyExploiters wireless ai - that's why their hands starts with time shaking. I call this "audrey hepburn" effects - an actor - which had probably always a lot of this same energy in/on her nervous system. Not sure - but i think this is also exact reason/dry-rf-energy that is the cause why people sleep - but wake up tyred instead of rested - i know that this is the case with myself manytimes. If one hears upper audio - it's exactly the same when one is experiencing this in own body - nervousness, something like when one tries to sleep - but there is mosquito going someone on nerves.
If i measure this to someone and one has the exactly same pattern going through their body - it doesn't necesarry mean it will affect one - depends if right modulation is selected by brainwashers wireless ai and/or if one is implanted by nano/micro-chips.
Image here is taken from upper audio file opened in a free software audacity, zoomed a little and spectrogram setting changed. Do you see those blue spikes? this means that red area(frequency spectrum) is flooded with energy - in this case with sudden non-harmonic spikes - sinusoid used in electrical enginnering for example is harmonic, this is how someone gets artificially nervous - altought this is in active mind programming destructive nervousness which with time - constantly - makes someone (chronically)tyred/exhsausted/burnedout.
This is the software that i wrote in the past - altough i even don't know how i managed it, because active mind programming via wireless ai makes me always feel like i would be on electroshocks when i am sitting still on the same location, something like someone would have a bee trapped right in nervous system - a part of "electronic harassment".
Do you see signals on the left? this are till around 50MHz and usually always there - they are gone when i go out from house - so it could be a part of magical surveilence.
Signals on the right are even more interesting - this are regular 2G phone signals, yes - older 2G phones telecommunication is lower microwave spectrum which won't hurt if they are below limits of national standards(probably not set by ITU) - and if one is not nano/micro-chipped with exact same frequencies nano/micro-chips(many times the case). If one makes a call - there are just a few tiny spots which is from someone making a call.
If you are a little keen in 'hacking' - you can check from which exact mobile tower frequencies on the right are comming to you with pc/linux help, or you can use a smartphone.
Well - this supposed to be a perfect tetra public safety critical telecommunications arround 391MHz in our country,
but if this would be really important - there should never, ever be radio station interfering with it. Why is it there? could be magical treatments..
Some use tetra - eg police, firemen, hospital telecommunications for ok - critical things, albeit it can also be used for automatized by ai 'livestock' management via nano/micro-chips - which would mean psyEnergyExploiters taking advantage of people nonKnowledge of how telecommunications work or should work, same story with radio/tv/mobile/etc signals - albeit i am not sure if with combination with something else(eg modulation) or not.
Do you see that circles? i doubt this are interference patterns - but are probably psychotronics.
One more "psychic attack" - heart palputations and other things, altough this probably just stimulates in-body foreign objects.
The point is this: one can be exposed to some electromagnetic frequencies like show on this pic, but if it's not micro/nano-chipped it usually doesn't affect a person.
Altough directed rfEnergy like a magnifying glass on the sun works almost exactly like someone would have micro/nano-chip in the body. Targeting nerves with any method is always stimulates/destroys them.
Nerves are very sensitive, you probably know that when you go to the dentists and one just a little touches a tooth nerve, this is why very little nanochip or small enough amount of rfEnergy can affect nerves wirelessly easily.
Regular radio frequencies arround 100MHz are abused quite a lot - here signal power is show as way too high - but it's good to fry a human - this is also how it's felt like.
Why has been fm radio explicitly set arround 88Mhz till 108MHz by "experts"? i think this frequencies propagate quite well through the space or organism(yet to check) and probably because they can affect the mind/consciousness(a door of consciousness) itself quite well.
This are 2G mobile phone telecommunications and i think this are still the most abused by psyExploiters
eg for creating instant headache/migraine/dementia, to block thinking or just for mind opressions. If one puts a phone near head for 2hours - one will feel consequences, what mind programmers do is the same - altough microchip is put right into head for 'livestock' treatment by a push of a button - mostly via their automated ai, this is how sadistic covert psyConditioning/opression for market management works.
What is dirty electricity? it's simply artificial frequency power that should not be there and is making noise and more stress for living beings. Electric harmonics are also example of this - brainwashers use artificial harmonics for their job(could be plasma that rides on top of some signal - which is called
sigOver amongst
sighum/etc) - making someone a living hell out of his/her life. SigInt are in mind programming advanced and are not intercepting phonecalls - because mind programming ai(echelon could be a part of this network) has already all the data directly from organisms/minds themself - let it be thought, emotion, health record/status or something else. Hmm - we should get
this or
this baby. EmfSmog on the pic can also affect health and the lower it is - the better in any house and at least where someone sleep - else one wakes up tyred instead of rested indicating something is seriously wrong, most people are a part of passive/active mind programming and this affects quality of sleep.
spectrum, 5G is for example simply till 300GHz officially - somewhere whole non-ionizing spectrum,
albeit mind programming uses full spectrum - meaning ionised radioactive radiation with mild but consistent power via x-rays gammaRays - it instantly disables someone psychologically when more power is used - eg dementia/bad coordination, creates paranoia, disorder or other "mental illness" when wirelessly beamed right into someone's head by ai or psyExploiters(2G freqs arround 930MHz also have similar symptoms,many do with the right modulation). This is where schizophrenia/psychosis in combination with lower frequencies and/or terahertz/infrared irradiation usually comes from, albeit psychotronics can be also used to create "mental illness" wirelessly. Illnesses/disorders are many times simply abuses of combination of wireless/scalar technology, otherwise psychotronics are used, of course - "virus" is a fake news and a marketing lie to train 'livestock' psychology for subordinating purposses.
I am not sure why - but brainwashers also implant tungsten nano wires into their mind programming victims - usually into personal power center - solar plexus, they hate people with own personal power because they are too independent from their modern slavery business. This implants are usually felt like a pressure or a pain in solar plexus area below heart - some would call it anxiety. Too much acidity - eg acid reflux or similar problems usually means that some foreign object was by brainwshers put there.
About targeted individuals..
In less intensity - similar is used on all to illegally manage markets.
Ha haa.. yes, harsh - but this is how some want it to be, some of us were trained that way in a monarchMindProgramming.
But it's usually not regular commercial politics, but parapolitics and black market "intelligence agency" guys/girls - that can also brainwash regular politics.
Pictures and protests to end mind programming and psychosocial experiments/business/sport.
There were quite a lot of demonstrations against this in the past in different countries via organisations.
An clinical psychologists which works with targeted individuals!
Well - what can i say - this is the way to go nowadays for new psychologists, else blind people will try to help blind people and brainwashers will have all the fun.
I don't agree with some things in the book - she is probably not a part of active mind programming(maybe is but is not aware of it),
but i perfectly agree with one sentence: "one doesn't became a part of a targeted individual because s/he has done something wrong, but usually when one somewhere done something right!".
Yes - this is also a part of the game, someone wrote the book "games people play", i am simply writting "The games pro weasels play on humanity", which encompasses and understand unsconscious brainwashed motives of/why "games people play". People must be in a psychological kindergarted with a mentality of a 2years old baby while in grown up body - bonsai/opressive methods are very common amongs brainwashers - this is very easily achieved via serial nano/micro-chipping or other wireless mind control. Some of proBrainwashers are probably daily stoned very hard.
Hmm - this will not work, but something else might..
This was my first attempt to create a shield and it corrects a little one's vital energy,
other that are not targeted individuals would also notice a little energetic rest(stresless space) from this.
It took me two weeks instead of 2days - because active mind programming amongs other things makes
someone (chronically)tyred/depressed and sometimes disoriented with weird pressure in one's head - some call it "my blood suggar fell".
When brainwashers wireless ai chooses more intensive energy weapon treatments in the form of 'psychic attacks' so that body starts to shake/tremmor when one is on a same place/location(sitting/resting/sleeping) and gets almost
instantly chronically tyred or (head)pressure/depression/heaviness(brainfog) gets really bad(when one's body is penetrated and bathed in a kind of microwaves),
i sometimes put this on the floor, put a pillow in and go lying there - it helps a little - at least body shakings goes away. Some say water pillow helps for dispersing microwaves - but i didn't try that.
I call wireless brainwashing ai signals - smart signals - because if one shields an area - signals will try to find new ways to penetrate a body,
but this is probably also because of nano/micro-chips.
Psychic attacks are many times only activated nano/micro-chips in the body and regular radio am/fm, tv, mobile phone signals, vhf/uhf, tetra(only for 'public safety' - which must work in extreme situations also) etc may all be used by psyEnergyExploiters wireless ai, altough i am not sure if in combination with something else with eg modulation or not. So this is rfSmog that slowly but progresivelly penetrates one's organism when on same spot, that creates depression or chronic tyredness and for psyEnergyExploiters - possible (pcychic) energy trafficking and at the same time - best opression - micro/nano energetic opression of some person, this is why wireless Fidelity of any signals is quite important in this biz to steal energy fruits of modern slaves for human farm(wifi eg means wireless fidelity), so there exists fidelity investments - better signal fidelity also usually means better materia/flesh penetration - which can be also used for more human (psychic) energy harvesting - which is energetic parasitism, and then - doctors don't know where many illnesses/disorders are comming from - but corrupted satanists amongst others - do.
This was my second attempt to create a wireless brainwashing free space,
i use this for experimentation purposses and it's quite good - mylar sheets are ok but not as good.
When one goes into this and can a little notice energy changes - one will notice something changes, heaviness/tyredness may dissapear, if wireless
ai chooses energy/psychic attack - body shakings/tremmor dissapears, and measuring frequencies signals also shows drop in their power - which with shielding is called attenuation - lowering wireless signals strength.
When one goes into this or uses eg mylar blankets/sheets to cover oneself up - something produces heat - this are probably signals or psychotronics energy that collisions with this material.
Of course antipsychotic or antidepression pills will not help to get rid of this modern wireless microwaves/psychotronics/other sport.
The problem with wireless ai choosing 'energy therapy' on someone is that it works when one is at the same spot/location - eg resting or sleeping, so one is usually 24hours a day tyred, this is why older people's hands shake.
Some treated with 'psychic attacks' are also mistakenly treating like they would have mental illness - altought it's this biz, there are people that become sooooo psycho-physically weak, that they themself voluntarily go into mental hospital - because they can't do basic survival needs, head functions don't work like they used to and when one is recovering - this comes back to normal.
Paranoia/hysteria/pure-agression can also come out of this because nervous system in the body is
attacked(also check 2ndpic)/overstimulated from outside(frying nerves effect) - but when one doesn't know the real reason it can get worse and then psychiatrists doing extra black comedy with pills that have 'right coctail' ingredients - it's better to release this sometimes pure agressive/violent energy and adrenalin in a safe way.
When one doesn't know the real reasons of this circus - psyConditioning works magically and totally, and regular doctors or mental specialists that supposed to treat this are in the same soup and could become ill from the same "illness" - because they don't have a qulifications for this knowledge because brainwashers want it so(this is "system" - psychological brainwashing system) - it's meant this way for commercial schools, and then naturally - the circus and black comedy continues.
If hell exists - then this is the way to create it, we also a little know hell - but there is no weasels treating others with such neuro toys, especially not for business.
Hmm - ha haaa, psyEnergyExploiters are playing modern wireless hitlers for god sake.
This is how real meat industry looks like..
Vacciness are certainly not for safety, but for more brainwashing business - usually not forced on the markets by doctors - who also get ill - but by psyEnergyExploiters/brainwashers black market for testing new ingredients on a 'livestock', a part of black comedy.
Biology is in nonCommercialSpirituality(natural) as cheap as in professional mind control(artificial consciousness)..
The thing is that your primary health care provider is not your commercial doctor - they are far behind what concerns health management and spiritual/energetic medicine via ai based mind control, but one of the psyEnergyExploiters(human farmers) that has the most 'livestock' heads hooked up on his/hers ai(why? mass mindPower to manage markets - people with time forgot(were brainwashed) that they even otherwise have personal power - brainwashers especially don't like that kind of people and will do anything to subordinate such person and/or torture him/her and hook it up on their ai because such are a treat to their modern covert slavery business - violating everyone's basic rights), including doctors - that why the black comedy - doctors that suppose to treat some illness dies from the same "illness" - even some famous movie maker couldn't write this kind of scenario, but this is how it currently is.
In reality - this picture represents systematic brainwashing via different forms but same being/consciousness/"person" and pure sadistical violation of nonCommercialSpirituality via mindTech control of all people, if you get that - it's up to you - it's easier to understand to ones that know what nonCommercialSpirituality is, but i won't go into detail about it here..
Well, this is the main goal of any professional brainwasher, consciusness control via brainwashing - because they figured out in the past that people don't like to be systematically abused their whole lifes(hmm - what a guess!!), so they've done it covertly globally.. Can consciousness be put from a wo/man to an animal or the other way arround with mind programming? easily.. so - here it goes: to plants form - very little concsiousness - vegetative state, to animals form a little more - many times active mind programming is used(again - nonCommercialSpiritual person will easier understand this - a part of 'undetectable' brainwashing system in front of all - animals mostly can't complain or say their troubles because their mindSet is controlled in a certain way - in non controlled world they could - albeit that would go into brainwashers noses because natural communication between two alive beings instead of their special tele-communications would bypass their global artificial consciousness mediator business - the same is happening amongst people), to humans form just so much that we can be opressed/exploited and mind programming abusers leading all this circus via automated mind control - globally. Of course - there is no only black or only white thing and with this i don't mean cause and effect or karma.. The point is to opress via mind control all others but them and a plan is simple: life->exploitation(and more psyExperiments)->death(and it's afterlife hocus pokus), life->exploitation(and more psyExperiments)->death and this recycling brainwashing circus continues, it was not from always like this. Pfiser is either their indirect tool of manipulation(like church in the past) - meaning workers/director don't need to know for who they are really working for and what is their motive or their direct lollipop of 'bioNT(newTechnology-nanoparticlesVacciness)ech. Smiling faces are of course always there - because some fall on this - brainwashers use smiling faces on tv/radio/commercials/elsewhere(eg happy kids after vaccination with toxins - half of a story is not told by them on purpose - 1st it was health destroyed with 'undetectable' wireless mind control then vaccinations were used for "security/healing" - what a joke!), smiling faces on media are for trust manipulation globally - also implemented into their ai.
Vacciness are just a part of bigger brainwshers world view plan - i think nanoparticles in vacciness are used also for RNM(remoteNeuralMonitoring) tests - just one covert mind control method more - like there are not enough already.
PsyExploiters always use good old fear/terror based brainwashing to undetectably force 'livestock' to get vaccinated(eg fear is more inforced by psychotronics into people's minds,etc - altough you can watch this craziness from inside and it won't kill you(hmm - in the long run it will if you don't do something about it becuase psyEnergyExploiters have a weird sense of humor) - wireless ai doing psyConditioning here and there, some are just not aware of this - it seems most 'gurus' are). Regular media is also used for this batshit craziness fear based manipulations and no one is really testing what "corona" is all about - it's just a word like breakfast, albeit in electricity terms
corona gives off energy/discarge, here - it would mean ideal energy/mindPower trafficking from 'livestock' and more mind control tests via remoteNeuralMonitoring and similar 'bio-NTech' nano stuff.
Some would complain: "i have some illness and is only treated via vacciness eg - rubella". Who is doing this "disease" in the first place so that one has to use trojan-horse to be more under brainwashers terms of living a life here. Some would treat symptoms of pain in the foot while the real cause is in the wo/man hitting the same person on his/her foot with a hammer. Do you see the biggest Black Comedy of all times? Some just don't know how advanced nowadays wireless mind control is and better psychotronics can create any disease totally wirelessly before 'livestock' takes his "put me more to sleep so that i have better pink glasses on - pills". Hmm - kill me softly game - just sayin.. PsyEnergyExploiters just like to fool people and make their dogs training tricks via wireless ai on whole humanity for their modern sport while their hands are free to enjoy mind programming abuses fruits - that's all.
Mind programmed world, are you crazy? well - they have done it.. It's not that hard like some think - ai can be bought albeit professional ai to psyCondition humans is expensive on the black market because it learned strategies in real-time dynamically via wars / concentration camps / "intelligence agencies" / the way best criminals think / soldiers / civilists / nonCommercialSpirituality - in short - anything that is alive or dead, the only thing is that one has to know exactly how to microchip someone(if this are used) on the right spot/nerves all over the body and connect that on the right tele-communications(literally meaning 'livestock-communications' in our language) and after that - one's memory to that must be electronically erased and voila - a new wirelessly mind programmed puppet is created to satisfy someone's unusual hobby. Some would probably not believe this - but this is how it is - i have gone many times through worst mind control treatments with/without nano/micro-chips - some just don't know their kind of spoiled psychopaths, jesus bleading on the cross was their idea and it was their favourite game - then it became a cristian faith for mortals - modern slaves. What jesus on the cross really represents? forget about being on the level of "our standards" and "our world" and nonCommercialSpirituality especially if you are not purelly corrupted weasel like us or be tortured via best mind programming. If one doesn't know what nonCommercialSpirituality is - one doesn't know what is missing - that is quite big part of oneself - that part was put to sleep/destroyed on all by psyEnergyExploiters via mind control for their human farm business in the past - pure nonCommercialSpirituality global abuses/mindRapes. Vaccines, junk poisoned food and other crap is here to keep it that way(farmers were systematically trained to use poisons to treat food) - regular doctors being soo brainwashed that they put toxins in people's vains without realizing it - "legally" - this is what i call pure black comedy - altough this is otherwise directly indirect professional brainwashers/weasel and human farmers experimenters command and ai uses fear based brainwashing to fool livestock into vaccination and plays the right media on tv/radio so that illusion of security and that everything is fine looks more pristine - sometimes just old tv/radio archives are replayed. Like one of a little more 'see it throught' woman doctor said - it's not a question if vacciness damages your organism/mind - it's a question of how much(many babies in the past died because of early human farmers vaccination experiments, some still do) - dependant from individual to individual, this then takes time to recover from such direct in blood toxins - which are "antibodies" - exactly!! Who is trying to force toxins(vacciness) into humans? dea(drug enforcenment agency) or it's "intelligence agency" guys/girls and which boss is giving them fake wings, who is their main provider of such crimes against humanity via mind control business? it doesn't matter - intent is simple - destroy/opress/manipulate/train/control/exploit health/mind from an early age. They are like king and queen's advisors - "what trick we will now use so that we can globally manipulate slaves trusts?" Try to stay awake for 2days - what happens? if you are spiritually brainwashed - you'll think it's natural. It's not - it's "commercial" mind control and only modern slaves have sleep cycles and rem phases(psychic energy harvesting and other things), there are still people that don't sleep - but i don't recommend forcing it. Naturally - before mind programming markets took place - we didn't need sleep, as simple as that - one was just not tyred - that's all, then idiots destroyed all - no more just fun'n games for others but them, "we'll manage your lifes/deaths/illnesses/inner-stress and the way you think and feel for our modern world - programmed something like a tin can with exact expiry date in the supermarket". Neurological disorders and other "illnesses" took place because of course covert mind programming means raping/forcing people's minds/mindSets globally 24hours a day to unconsciously(when one is not aware of this) to think/feel in a specific way for human farm fruits(movie/music industry plays a big part here) - some more some less so that they can play "i give less but take more" - this 'disorders' also on kids are not from out of nowhere.
And a
sample form of mind-programming(mindControl) for business/psyExperimentation on individual/s.
In the old days this was human experimentation or brainwashing, but nowadays.. almost(if not) always (commercial) social engineering,
tools used for this are mostly specialized psychotronics
here - which some have but don't abuse them, any kind of
covertly implanted microchips(most won't remember), frequencies and artificial intelligence(ai) that drives all of this. One of the sites against such covert abuses is
Covert mind programming is also
this(coverBookWords) - so called neuromarketing.
Types of mind programming / electronic brainwashing:
There are three types of mind programming(all are a part of electronic wireless mind/emotions/health management),
passive(most people "undetectable" brainwashing), active(so called "targeted individuals",people with "disorders","mental illness" and so on), direct(100% mindControl usually used in monarchMindProgramming).
The difference is in intensity and spectrum of psyConditioning/healthManagement, here types are sorted from low("innocent commercial") to full intensity.
Although here mostly negative brainwashing(psyConditioning) is described - there is also positive brainwashing(eg brainwashing with artificial joy or psyConditioning someone with richness).
But - in both cases the goal is simple - wireless psyConditionings(the only reason why this world is so shallow) - with time surrendering one's will on subconscious "un-detectable" level, so that psyExploiters have all the fun and other things - both sustaining artificially covertly.
- passive mode(most people - non invasive - mild unnoticed mind manipulation/override(mostly thoughts/emotions/health), psyConditioning with mild sadism or even artificial joy):
this is meant for "undetectable" - so wireless ai is daily throwing here and there thought/emotions and fooling population for psyEnergyExploiting/guiding psyche purposses(also eg throwing in a little fear emotions/energy into individuals/population in synchronicity with brainwashing lies on the tv/radio so that one goes vaccinating with their brainwashing cockail for more 'market management' purposses) - this is why i recommend checking here and there "your" thoughts - recommended also by some of noncorrupted 'gurus' and some psychotherapists(active mind programming is another story - which is a part of all mildly visually/auditory as neuroLinguisticProgramming after birth and harshly also energetically before death as "rheuma") and psychotronics works with sensing(for example - i didn't notice this while this was in effect about ten years ago) - if ai detects that one is consciously starting to see that something is wrong - ai stops for a while and goes in more passive state of conditioning. Headache, bi-polar or many other "innocent disorders" like chest pain/anxiety/nervousness and/or heartburn/acidReflux/stomachAcid problems(more in active mode) and/or burnouts/depression that are in effect because of passive conditioning. A very common thing nowadays are unheard subConscious subliminals or silent neuroLinguisticProgramming(anyone can test this) - i really don't know if anyone is not a part of them, some say they use them in their advantage - but i don't think reWriting with force nervesSystem(which can with time also produce any "illness") - can do that. Synthetic telepathy is also quite popular for thought/emotions patterns creations/psyConditionings in individual mind/body - may also be microchipped usually in early years. Most won't notice anything about this while this is in effect except maybe heartburn/acidReflux/headache and maybe anxiety if you are not yet brainwashed by it(if - and when you have it, watch it's energy - how it works and where does it come from - it's probably activated microchip thing or psychotronics hot spot).
"Health system" necessities - what is used to create local/nonlocal human farm sport? also for managing mind programming markets?(hmm - some in the past literally became rich overnight). of course - creating illnesses names mostly to cover up chi stealing/trafficking/psyExperiments - rheuma and/or rheumatoid artritis also goes here - here is a list of possible creation of any illness(some in that list is in plus - but nonethless it can be used for minus). This are meant to work slowly with time - wirelessly, a part of modern passive sadistical tortures for "lower rase" and a part of "psychological experiments" usually in combination with vaccines, so later statistic is made how people(testing objects) reacted to it via life - nowadays it's more than 60% of population in this category, somewhere someone must have a database of all of this psyExperiments statistics/knowledge, just a wild guess - "cancer clinics"/"darkWeb" in combination with "cloud"/regular servers? Most health personell usually doesn't know about this. But - what would corrupted doctor/physician do? buy oneself a psychotronic device and automate that via ai so that many people would get ill - and voila - s/he would have patients more than enough and s/he would be in the business of covert mind programming abuse - as simple as that - a perfect mini exploiting ecoSystem.. and abuser would have success based on having a key to your success - health dependant on abusers terms, this is why soo many are microchipped, although this is nowadays mostly running indirectly - meaning doctors don't have to know about this - they are usually as brainwashed as anyone else, a typicall black comedy example would be when doctor dies from disease s/he is supposed to heal. Health constitutions have their place - but not when (psyChiATric/psy-chi-energyTraffickingBanks)corruption is involved via "cancer clinics". Ha haaa - some of old people(eg our grandma) even give to a doctor a home made schnops or whiskey or whole home made prosciutto or home made sausages - as souvenir, so that they would be bought / treated better. What a commedy !!
- active mode(psychological override/tyranny, can not be overseen, psyConditioning with mild to strong sadism):
so called "targeted individuals" - tadaaaa !! i am currently amongs this. Here - wireless ReInforced Torture is used 24hours a day for different psyExploiting business/profit reasons, "mental illness"(and many other regular words, eg "cancer") is just another word for covert "psychological experiments" so that their business can run - brainwashed by proBrainwashers/exploiters for their psychological system in people's minds(modern slaves) - this is why psyConditioning/mindProgramming is used nowadays on most.
Psychiatrists would for sure cathegorize this into a "mental illness" and i don't recommend them - not until they have diploma and you must respect their old personal brainwashing - even from schools.
Deeeeep hate is in many daily literally programmed into someone with wireless electrochemistry(more in 'onepage').
PsychoPhysical torturing(eg when one lies on a bed to rest or just sits) is mostly not when one is a little active - but when one tries to rest - so there is no chance that one can really rest - a goal is slow hard nervous breakdown(some have it daily) - psychologicalTortures are very very advanced nowadays - too advanced already - ai is also self learning - the more one suffers - the more bonus for one that made/uses that ai and that 'trick' is probably well paid to mindTechnology/mindControl 'companies'.
This mode is exactly the same what was tested in old concentration camps.
Usual effect that psychiatrists would consider "mental illness" is simple - one's nervous system is overstimulated with one of mindWeapons/psychotronics(eg microwaves) and at the same time psyPain(psychologicalPain) in the head is created with bullying/agressive/manipulative subliminals/voices attached and one becomes almost a "killer"(this is how serial killers were done if someone of psyExploiters needed a toy slave killer - but usually done via monarchMindProgramming to completelly destroy and then reProgram a kids personality,serial killers are of course not made by nature or just by family violence - but 1st by mind programmers). With such methods helpless anxiety/agression is for example easily made and is there so that a t.i. would self-destruct him/her-self for modern "undetectable" open concentration camp mindControl tests, because weasels like to have clean hands. If i want to experience this - i just sit in front of the computer(or somewhere else in the house) - it seems it's the perfect spot for being targeted this way, immediatelly when one moves - it goes away - so there is no way a t.i. can really rest - this is of course one of the systematic method meant to with time "undetectably" destroy/torture/kill someone - it's usually not personal - but a part of managing a market by ai in such ways.
There are devices on the market for anti-mindControl, eg this - but i didn't tested exactly this - so i don't know if it works,
and yes, that screaming woman on the pic - this is how manytimes in active mind programming is - nervous system is "attacked"/overstimulated with dry rfEnergy/EmfSmog.
"Disorders" are in active m.p. usually just played on someone's mind one after the other sometimes more sometimes less 24hours a day, one minute migraine, then after one minute lethargy, after that maybe agression, and after(or mixed in) eg mild body electroshocks(electrical current through whole nervousSystem), after that sorrow/depression, maybe in between sexual obsession, and possibly after that mild dementia(or mild schizophrenia/psychosis), etc - this is the meaning of mind programming - an artificially managed mind/state of individuals wirelessly for human farm or (corvert)opression business via mind control - which is neuro-marketing abuse.
So, one good news - you don't have disorder/"mental illness" - it's mindControl illegal 'undetectable' business - the same goes for "crazy head", bi-polar, depression or suicide thoughts - they are not yours but produced by wireless mindTechnology abused on many many.
Because many targeted individuals hears voices(implanted cochlea, infamous V2k-voice2Skull "microwaves" mindWeapon or/and other methods), here is a video - explanation how v.hearing/other is experienced - good explanation at 15:29 and at 2:37 one of t.i.-s that is not anymore a t.i. And here is a ytube video of one of targeted individuals community - some things may not be true for all but most are - someone saying - "this is death concentration camp" is explained perfectly for "working class"(not all rich are dictators), this is how it's feelt like from inside someone's body/mind when a part of active mind programming, but i recommend watching this after you are finished with reading what you want to read - because it's a little long.
Active mind programming is very easily recognized - any kind of more intense mind/body suffering. In head it feels exactly like branwashing - like someone would from inside 24hours a day "fixing/brainwashing" someone's mind and/or be bathed in microwaves or like ghost would operate someone's energy, some also call this "intrusive thoughts"(or add/adhd) but it's more than that - it's typical wireless electronic/psychotronic psyConditioning(mindFixing/manipulation in someone's favour) and mind state is then totally like - this - which is wireless electronic/psychotronics opression - one can not then manytimes do even the most basic things to live. When one becomes at start a part of this - life as one knew it usually in a few weeks just "falls appart" and unusual things start to happen - goal is also psychological/social isolation - more friendships/familyMembers violence may be there or it's other extreme - total zombification. If this could be stimulated in anyone just for experiment - anyone would pretty well instantly spontaneously guess that this is mindControl(also what concerns "hearing voices") - sudden active mind programming is very easily recognisable when one is a part of it from inside - that's why it's sometimes at start slowly with time activated in someone's body so that it looks natural "ghosts show"/disorders - although many in mental health waters are brainwashed that it's "mental illness" - because their modern 'young sect' highness wanted so - so that their divine business could run - which also includes external "corona"/others brainwashing for all via media(tv/radio/etc). Yeah - a weird hobby some have.
A quick trick that i read in one of the books to test if one is a part of active mind programming is simply going to EEG, and if one has too active/agressive EEG waves - one is a part of it. Altought this is usually only to get evidence, because one can not overlook signs of this - especially at start when one is thrown into this program. Nerves(including brains) are artificially wirelessly 24hours a day overstimulated/destroyed - this is what causes agressive/spiking EEG results - from inside this is many times felt like someone is agresivelly burning - yup - one of the real hell states - which some people overlook warning signs - which can later also produce regular burnout or even nervous breakdown. When i went to eeg tests, a doctor there at the end said that i was probably very nervous, altought i was on the edge of falling to a sleep when she tested this - which just shown what i was knowing from before. Some people are very nervous/anxious, true, but people/doctors are not asking the right question - what is attacking nerves in the first place - where do "bad nerves" come from, this is where the problem is.
In this category - this is easily recognized like tinnitus,
weird head pressure or whooshing in someone's head and breeze like nervous(probably pulsedDC) electricity through head/body or other weird phenomena - more after a few sentances. This is typical silent wireless electronic torture(usually anyone in this category has somewhere daily - (almost)nervousbreakdown, because body is treated with nervous electricity which produces tremor out of nowhere - especially whole nervousSystem(also by nanoMicroStimulators microchips), rf detector shows this - especially when one does not move - this becomes obvious when one tries to rest - but it can't - because nervousSystem is always fireing/simulated artificially even when body is resting - adrenalin is artificially produced - it's like one's whole nervousSystem is fully under stress - constantly under mild electroshocks - this usually with time produces chronic tyredness). All of this usually manages psyExploiters ai - reasons for one becoming a part of that may be different - many are a part of this only because they were test subjects while they were young - and now they are treated so that they would not remember things or that they would be silent, some become a part of this because some schmuck want's to test/adnvance new psyExperimentStrategies, some are a part of this strictly to be tortured/opressed because their highness doesn't want too healthy individuals on "their" spoiled psychopaths big boys/girls market.
I repeat - symptoms of this are not natural "mental illness"(many of t.i.-s don't have any criminal record what so ever,many were a part of monarchMindProgramming in early years) - although psychiatric/health personell is brainwashed that it is(eg in some schools they teach that hearing voices is a part of "mental illness" - while the truth is that it's a part of mind programming business which came from "psychological experiments" from the past - an abuse of wireless neuroLinguisticProgramming(was prooved and will be again if needed). It's a long story, that serves proBrainwashers/proTerrorists 'system' more that 50years. Take abuse of mind programming away from any t.i. and one will be healthy again in a few weeks - with no trace of ever having "mental illness"(no hearing voices,no psychologicalPain,no agression,if one has it - no histeria,no bi-polar as extreme psychological+mood states,no tyredness,etc) - although psychological damage can stay there for quite some time - depends from person to person. THIS is where rabbit is hiding. Only this three things are in play and activated: either microchips and/or special telecommunications and/or psychotronics(same can be in passive mode - but here it's more intensive and with more psychoPhysical health destroying/torturing methods).
This types of people are being also usually specially secretly more implanted in early age by "alien" abduction or fast vans and
one's psycho-physical(regular/mental) health state is at a mercy and in control of psychotronics(possible via implants, something like eHealth abuse) and is usually destroyed by it, especially when one is not doing what he/she was 'programmed'(deepPsyConditioned) for in someone's modern slaves sport - market.
And this video speaks about active mind programming - a little dramatic - but yes - this are neuroLinguisticProgramming abuses like guy says and social network are heavily managed by them(just check 'targeted individuals international' of fb - it's managed by ai to catch t.i.-s) - watching till 3:02 is enough.
People in this category would certainly sometimes need help from someone - i am all for it - 'workshops' are also meant for this.
A little tougher case in this category.
When ai(or someone) is in this category doing wireless psychoSurgery(destroying psychological health) - it can easily in a day create so much psychological damage that one somehow falls into kind of powerless schizophrenic state - a kind of disoriented alienated dementia state when one can not help himself because some kind of a "brain damage" with mindControl, kind of wireless lobotomia. After that - one is more or less like an animal in a shocks, but terror is brainwashed with a helpless schizophrenia/tinnitus. After this - one is usually recovering about 2weeks to one month, this was also abused on soldiers in the past and some
politics and a short news video
here(hearing "crickets/insects" in their heads, and no - i doubt cuba government could prevent this - because main "spiritual" mindControl "experts" are ahead of this on a "higher spiritual level" terorism, while most politics are somewhere like the rest - cattle for psyExperiments) at the embassy of cuba - this are psychotronics mindWeapons. I was once in such a state a few years ago(by that time it was like one would have an electronic animal - that small animal who eats wood(in monarchMindProgramming alive small wood-eaters animal is sometimes really put in someone's head) - but here - like it's eating one's brain/mind in one's head - this is exactly how it's experienced) and one can not do much but to wait when mind will heal up itself again, because mind programming abuse are basically mindWeapons because they are used that way. This is just a small thing what wireless mindWeapons can do - "targeted individuals"(and many older people) are experiencing something like this many times just like this besides 24hours a day psychoPhysical health destruction - but direct mind programming is capable much more than this with a high precision and very high speed.
Active mind programming is exactly like bio/neuro feedback but totally wirelessly and used for psychoPhysically ReInforced Torture for many reasons(even moreEnergyHarvesting) and to destroy someone's psychoPhysical health - while one usually in normal circumstances uses bio/neuroFeedback to build up someone's health. So - for mind programming abuse it's used like this: one just thinks one of good thoughts(anything or just how to get rid of this abuses) and exactly that moment mindTech ai uses something to combat that good idea/feeling/etc - it just destroys that idea(mildExactPsycheDestruction) or ai eg chooses headache/migraine/(sometimesPsychosis or dementia effects or some body part pain). This is basic principle of wireless feedback mind programming - one's thoughts are used to self-destruct(or produce deliberate "mental illness",agression,lethargy,pain,etc), tinnitus is always there - bullying/neuroLinguisticVoices with some of us also(and manytimes electricNervousEnergy through one's body when one eg sits - agression) - which are there to provocate one's nerves so hardly, that many do something that push them into lifes troubles(this is also how serial killers were produced/treated - unconsciousPsyTricks) - some end in mental hospitals only because they don't know mindTech is deliberatelly playing very hard tricks on their nerves - deliberatelly! some go there themselves willingly, because their psyche/health is so destroyed - that they can't help themselves anymore, neither go to the shop(psychoticState,psychosis,total discoordination,or total psychological breakdown or nervous breakdown,one at that time falls to a 2year old semiConsciousStates) - "crazy heads" are nowadays easily wirelessly produced. The easy/"legal"/"undetectable" way to teach modern slaves a lesson(or for mind programming market psyConditioning - there must be a few nutcases so that lies/illusions/brainwashing stays real) - with those that don't know nothing about mind programming abuse - fully unconsciously - which is a goal in all brainwashing games. So - if anybody want's to make a few tests how this aiFeedback works - t.i.-s are all over the place - some don't even know they are a part of it. If anyone want's to know how this works - i am here. In 'targeted individuals' it's constantly active.
Here - this symptoms may be more active/noticed: tinnitus, forced/intrusive thoughts, preventing some thoughs(m.progr. ai is quite advanced and selfSufficient(self-learning and learning through live beings), when one for example thinks how to get rid of this - ai chooses as punishment for example a headache/migraine/dementia/mildPsychosis/energyStress'Therapy'/moreVoices(forVoiceHearers)/etc, so that one is disabled), intensified chest/plexus pain(which produce heartburn, acid reflux or stomach acid problems) - just this and one is usually disabled by it and becomes instantly very tyred and must rest but usually doesn't help much - which are usually microchips+telecomunications abuse thing(this has probably most people in - it's modern "cancer" business fuse - one of psyTerrorists/psyExploiters ensurances if one would not respect their paraPolitics circus - some already sued the bastards - a part of covert mind control), on quite some - hearing artificial voices heard only by individual(which are dark-satanic/heavenly/"normal" NeuroLinguisticProgramming abuse) - which is a layer of voices on what's already naturally heard - or is fully manipulated/overriden hearing of other sounds, some have visual halucinations(eg seing something that other don't), artificial mild/hard psychosis/schizophrenia - more/less** it was also tested/used on soldiers to instantly disable them - this can also be done with tinnitus effect that goes right into 3rdEye area or with microwaves - this can be tested on anyone. Mild psychosis/schizophrenia is felt something like when one is suddenly disoriented and is in semi dementia state - hard psychosis(of course artificial)/schizophrenia is when one is suddenly mind raped with 'alien' like state - suddenly all environment around someone becomes alienated(very distant/cold/likeAllIsAgainstSomeone/enemyState) - and yes - this are just mindSets forced by psychotronics into someone's mind - although quite dangerous - especially because in this society many don't know anything about it. **, energy manipulations(some misunderstand this as devils work or ghosts going through their bodies which may sometimes play on sexual organs also), energy trafficking/conditioning(check 'energy stealing/trafficking2' in Symptoms section). Here - many get a feeling that his/her mind is not his/her own and something is trying to control it - which is true!
It can semi to 3/4 override mind with anything - eg sexual thoughts/feelings/subVisions while one doesn't have any sexual intent - eg for sexually psyConditioning someone(sexuality is probably the most abused thing in this business).
In this stage - psychotronics are usually creating/mimicking any "mental illness" - like "hearing voices"(which is (dark)deliberateNeuroLinguisticProgramming-wasAlreadyProvedAndItCanBeAgainIfNeeded) or a (weird)headache/tinnitus and mild/moderate/hard psychosis or paranoia/histeria or paranoid schizophrenia etc, which would hold true for anyone if one's whole nervousSystem and head would be irradiated via eg microwaves like stuff - this are "non lethal mind weapons".
In this mode - psyExploiter's ai uses any problematic situation to psyCondition someone more - "voice hearers" are usually in this situations proBullied(proMindFucked) more by voices or some other method is used. Eg - one has a problem in life - and that is ai using to psyCondition someone more with tyranny - proPerfectPsyAbuses, eg if someone has financial problems - ai will try things through psyStrategies - that someone stays in a shit, and ai usually doesn't have limits - it tortures(especially because this is 'not' seen from outside) - and some people are suffering as hell - which is a part of sadistic conditioning method in which psyExploiters are also specialists(the most sadistical methods in it's whole spectrum are owned by them). Problems are usually used to create more problems. People that "hear voices" and say that theirs are good/supportive - just don't know what they are talking about, then you hear some of them ending in an mental hospital because of chronic psychological exhaustion(some are there that go voluntarily in mental hospital - because they are so psychologically fucked up by "dementia" or "schizophrenia" - easily produced by microwaves like mindControl, psyExploiters ai is just self-learning oppressive/control strategies on most - that's all).
In this stage, also many loose jobs, friends, have family breakups, have daily very unusual experiences etc and one's life is being deliberatelly destroyed. The goal is to make someone's mind as de-humanized animalistic primitive and destroyed as ai(or who is behind) want's to - making someone know that s/he is being easily tortured(whoever is not brainwashed with "disorders") with so much ease. This is to literally try to push someone to nervousBreakdown/suicide/etc - because in health system all don't know about this - and there are not many places where one could go. Inner psychophysical torture is done 24hours a day - more when one is at rest and if anyone would experience this and would be a little aware of it's inner body - one would instantly know it's done artificially. One just usually waves from a little normal(when one is not soo tortured) to extreme tortured states - some more some less, this is what proExploiters were after - state/mood/mind change instantly on demand, that's why some don't know why they are ok when they go doing something or talking to someone - and right after they come home - it's again total concentration camp from inside - combinations of psychophysical torture(harsh headache so that one cannot think much,bodyShaking in "microwaves bath" - sometimes face skin gets red/burns, positive mood/energy completelly destroyed - depression follows, solarPlexus pain - only this and one is disabled and ready to sleep again, etc), intellect/positive feelings thoughts smashed and powerlesness feelings/thought enforced - something like unseen family violence. Mind/thought control is simple here - when one just thinks of some usual small positive thing - eg to find him/her-self a job or something - ai recognize this and it creates eg more headache - so that one must give up this thought/intention. THIS is a part of active mind programming/control based on thought/emotions feedback in realtime(nsa supposed to use this on 'criminals', but is nowadays everywhere done by probably more folks) - thought/emotions 'training' - blocking ok / enforcing only negative - pure mind tyranny, this is why many can not do even simple needed life things, so yes - dictatorship is still quite active. Wireless electronic "jails" have become popular/cheap for rich terorists or organised criminals. This is also similar to something that some call bi-polar - although it's done artificially. Of course - "cancer" is also a by product of this wireless 'microwave therapy', many are T.I.-s without hearing voices and are just not aware what's really happening from inside - personally i don't know anyone that is not a T.I. in some way.
Also, in this phase, one's will is deliberatelly destroyed 24hours a day, that's why many undergoes a nervous breakdowns - some more some less, chronic tyredness, chronic nervous exhaustion(because nerves don't get enough energy for self-nourishment because it's stealed/trafficked/orDestroyed - this is sometimes feelt in thymus/heartChakraArea - then naturally, depression follows).
There is also a lot of manipulation with false hope biznis at this stage - including unknowingly(or maybe even knowingly by some) by psychiatry/pills(false hope is one of the biggest illusions that works and is used by psyManipulators). This is why some that depend too much on pills and one takes them away - some just breaks - this is probably also meant with false hope conditionings.
There are more reasons why active mind programming comes into someone's life, but here are a few: psyExploiters ai is learning on somene new mindControl strategies(it's learning on humanity also for good old exploitation business), one is not playing by psyExploiters rules anymore - became 'too much' unConditioned and is not always in unconscious victim mode(psyConditionedMind), the 3rd one would be "commercial" opression - so that one stays a modern mental slave, can not get rid of this and can be exploited and/or opressed and/or psyConditioned more. This is done automaticaclly by ai's telemetry when one is 'too' healthy - because then spoiled psychopaths risk to loose a modern slave - one could get rid of this. Modern slave can have all(can also be rich) - but must not know or experience a few things - because "bosses" would then not be the only one at 'the top of the world'.
- direct mode(total mind/body(all motorics) pure electronical override and/or extreme psychological tyranny/sadism) - more in it's own menu section:
some say a lot of musicians/actors/sexIndustryWorkers was produced like this - monarchs - although this processes were later used on many many more - also groups of people for "social experiments" and mind programming markets(humanFarms), SRA(satanicRitualAbuse is a lot used - more on wikipedia).
Well, what can i say - someone should experience it and one would know whats above "hitler's" hellTortures(m.prog. includes all aspects of life, it's machinery like very precise "military grade" like wireless psy/emotional/body-control) - which is mostly used in long monarchMindReprogramming process - a wireless science how to reProgram/reImplements someone's mind from the ground up, so that one(or their ai) creates an human product that is needed by them on the market or because of some other reasons - offers are usually dark in nature, they try the easy and if offers are not accepted - the hard way. If one would leand them an ass - one would probably get with time all that he/she wants - all the fancy stuff, money,house,girls/boys/whores etc - so i call this sometimes butthole pyramid system. This are also tests if one would work for them like this - as their sex slave - and lend them ass later some more and probably do other dirty jobs for them, which is probably a test for psychological submission - alla style "who's the boss".
Ai is by that time also helping them to mind control someone when they are even more psyConditioning eg a kid not only one's mind/head/body inside by ai - but also from outside - they have people for this which are total assholes - sometimes paraSoldiers are between - each of them has their own totally sadistic methods of harsh torturing(psyConditioning) which conditions someone more fully - harsh sadistical psychological torturing is their speciality - which are probably "the best of brainwashing/torturing" from all previous systems, eg communism brainwashing, nacism brainwashing, concentration camps dr Mengele brainwashing(deep psychological isolation methods), dark satanic brainwashing etc. Spiritual abuses are here also used extensivelly - they also usually have all that fancy nonCommercial spirituality toys and or devices with electroshock if one is needed right away to be put into a comma.
This and more is what is in books called Trauma Based Monarch Mind Programming - because traumas are 24hours a day over and over again deeply instilled into someone(the real 'best of' physical/emotional/mental/spiritual electronic/usualSocial brainwashing) - process is usually more than a year long with some pauses in between many times used on trafficked children - but a complete covert brainwashing for many lasts much more time. Wireless direct psyConditioning by ai is like machine would mindrape/fullyControl someone again and again(also like someone would stich needles in someone's mind - but no one is there - this is mindReimpregnation/reImplementation of psyche from ground up) - and can do about eight quite good psyConditions(mindReprogramming/psyStiching) in a second - not days/months like it was used in the old days to psyCondtion a kid manually.
It's a direct psychic+consciousness driving - like some would be a doll of someone wirelessly(total mind control) optimally via "psyche tunning 'chips'"(like someone would reProgram and tune a car - but here - someone's head/nervousSystem/wholeMind is an object of a tunning which always at some point creates subConscious collapse and nervousEnergeticBurnout in which one is reProgrammed much easier because subConscious defense is destroyed, and later usually subConscious agony follows which lasts usually more years if not resolved(some call this midlife crisis) - which is probably also a goal of brainwashing) - but i experienced direct mode mostly via main mind programming phase at cca 3/5years.
In this phase, one is also exposed to the most primitive mindProgramming of others just for the sake of psyConditioning "how useless/powerless you are"(this is a lot also done when/if one is still spiritually free), for example - i have never saw sooooo much pushed minds of other on soooo low primitive level - much much more primitive/violent than any animal - fully forced psychosis/schizophrenia into this beings(mind can be copied from animal and then forced in the form of mindSet to human or vice versa - this is a kind of psyExperiments i am talking about). Mind is programmed in realtime - one's mind and subconscious believes can be in a few seconds reProgrammed from eg Mozarts mind back to the lowest less than animal state, of course - spirit can be also engineered by better psychotronics. Some mindProgrammers probably still have this kind of 'province' somewhere hidden from public - just for extreme psyExperiments. Back then - they tried to create full living organism via psychotronics(organs can be nowadays printed or ether is used to create nervousSystem from scratch) - and from start their body parts fell of or hair didn't grow right or ai didn't simulate 'sims' right like a real human being - they couldn't drive a car at start for example. Yeah - a living nightmare.
Somewhere i noticed a complete system to buy, so that one can implant that directly in mice's head - and then drive it wirelessly like a toy - this is direct - psychicDriving, but on humans it's sometimes much more - more advanced when that's happening, there's also a lot of media conditioning - eg fully overriding all 6senses - like someone's visual/hearing cortex and energy with eg youtube like videos, which is direct(it's not like one would see that on youtube, it's directly forced in head areas so that one experiences that somehow in 3D - like one would radiate that video) - this is a phase of psyEmotional conditioning, but it can be also used to reProgram someone's organism(eg color of eyes etc - wirelessly) and it's nervous system from ground up - including dna/dnk - this is why ai is used - it's precise and speedy enough.
Also at that stage, one is aware of all what's happening, but because head/brainsteem/mainNervousSystem is fully overriden with neuroModulation, one doesn't have any kind of motoric/mind control - so it's a perfect tool for deepPsyConditionings(aka soul scars) and psyExploiters use it a lot by then, especially for pain/plesure conditioning.
Here - also full lifeMindSets(fullBlownSubConsciousBeliefs) can be 'burned' into someone's psyche and voila - someone has a new personality and psyExploiter/humanFarmer a new human product(something like monsanto is doing with plants for better productivity) - that 2nd personallity(ego) with time reGrows someone and if not resolved somehow, it will stay with someone for the rest of one's life. Naturally - one's primary personality tries to correct itself through life - mindProgrammers are probably aware of this 'problem' - this is also why ai leads most of people via life to 'the other side' unconsciously thirsty(real wishes are reProgrammed/reWired before/after birth to "human farmer" needs on the market - via supressed real subconscious hope - will is rewired to unconscious babies - this is also where neurological problems(bad health and subconscious stress) comes from) - a part of modern slavery and psyEnergyExploitation.
One thing that could be done with mind programming fast(subConsciousness reProgramming by psychotronics) - is to make someone left/right handed, but this is usually only done at early age, else it would be too obvious.
That fast learning languages things(in one hour or so) - that one puts on one's head could be called psychotronics - because they quicky artificially create new nervousPathways(subConsciousBelieves) in someone's head - which is real neuroLinguisticProgramming - but i don't recommend them.
One method that is many times used with direct m.progr. - is for conditioning deep guilt into someone, but maybe somewhere else more about this and how it's done. By the way - subConscious guilt is a lot used by people behind this - it's a method, a method that is later used for subConscious manipulations alla proHypnose style - guilt is one of the best methods used for this. So if one want's to get rid of this one - one should do quite a lot of 'work'(mostly unConditioning process) and some research. This are usually quite stubborn psyConditions(subConscious/unaware selfDestroying beliefs) - because they are usually quite complex(they were created with complexity in mind) - manytimes - they are not so simple as it's seen at a first sight
Essential Mind Programming understanding
A picture says a thousand words - so
here is a diagram how this works, similar is
this(more in left menu brainwashing - how human scada systems work).
This is neutral system - but in the hands of psyEnergyExploiters/brainwashers, i wonder how much this same human farm marketing system costs on a black market to integrate it into some environment, country, area, 'province', worldwide(then 'market managers' have access to this system - 'intelligence agencies', black tantra guys/girls and 'drug enforcement agency'(drug business because they want clean and force toxic for others) best payed jobs on a black market(in the past specially payed hookers,pimps,'priests',others to microchip as many for 'livestock' business as possible and hooking them/us on their ai) - but this is many times no longer needed since quantum tech can nano/micro-chip anyone wirelessly), etc, knowing that telecommunications conditions are already globally there.
When basic diagram above is created in reality, psyEnergyExploiters(in this case also their computer programmers with basic knowledge) simply add/extend any module with different programming languages(python/c++/etc): eg special energy management(destruction, manipulation(also states) or stealing), human/other anatomy knowledge for micro/nano-implantation reasons, fool people/doctors with "virus" for 'market management' reasons - which is not so hard to do - even rife frequencies + plasma can wirelessly do this to some extent either create/destroy 'bacteria' or any other 'illness'(pattern+bad_health) or mental illness(energy weapons or/and other), etc.
Yeah, technology is not only tv/radio.. this is mindTech..
This diagram is here primarily - so that one can know what to look for if one has bad health. Eg, if you know that
ai/this is potentially used on you with in-body chemistry management - you can check for heavyMetals/poisons/toxins in the body if you have bad health(or mentalHealth) - which could also be from water or from old water pipes/etc. That 'just buzzing' on diagram could mean one is nanochipped - consciously check for any nervous(or buzzing) energy in your body - which definetelly means one is treated with this(i don't know anyone that is not in some way in some years of one's life treated with this), there are only two possibilities: one is nanochipped there(+special telecommunications doing their job) or psychotronics(quantumTech) is doing nervousness/buzzing/burning/anxiety/pain/etc there, if there are of course not obvious causes of this which doctors can easily treat. In 'workshops' - basic things are tested for free(whatever is in left menu 'shop/advice' testing whole area where someone lives is notFree).
Diagram is done in a neutral way - BUT! when people are not aware that they are treated with this, what happens?
Maybe you guessed it - perfect subconscious psyConditioning or 'undetectable' brainwashing - which is exactly what psyEnergyExploiters want. All of this is not so hard to do - many could do it,
but - we are not all sadists which try to drive/control all people in the world. When one is using this diagram and put it into a real world - what would be the use of it? not much - pretty much only good old exploitations, altough some use similar ai based system for ok things - eg similar plants growing with
scada systems(scroll down to image). The difference in mind programming is that plant becomes humanNervousSystem and/or individual's mind/energyField. This is what diagram represents - there are some similarities.
It depends who has this in hands in real world - one could make a one day joke and make fun from others a little(that "just buzzing" could be used here - "ahhh, look - i am an mobile phone!"), or - when proBrainwashers uses it - it could be slowly with time progresivelly destroying someone's health deliberatelly(proTrappedBee(bone/meat)effect via frequenciesControl - could be very mildly so that it's not obvious) - eg hips or other part of the body without a "proPatient" and even doctors knowing the real causes - for automated market management. "Cancer" could be done like this - especially in lungs area when micro/nano-chip is near/in the bone and someone is telling a psychiatrists that s/he has and anxiety problems - could be a not so obvious pain in a heartChakra/diaphragma/solarPlexus area. Acid stomach reflux or inflammation there could be also because of this "just buzz" or artificial chemical/acid reaction there. I had many times problems with this - but sometimes proBrainwashers also puts eg tungsten/other nanoWires there for opression purposses - just in case - a body is sticked through and through with small tiny long tube that has nanoWire in - and they don't stop until they hit the nerve(heartChakra/diaphragma or solarPlexus area), and someone is by that time also wirelessly testing if the thing works. If the right combination of chemical/acid or something else then hits that tungsten/other, the chemical/other reaction does the rest and pain begins manifesting and possibly depression and chronic tyredness and meat around that area could look like "cancer cells". If one has such acidic/painful areas - this should be checked. If it's nothing there(and there is no toxic chemistry/heavyMetal/other in the body) - then psychotronics are at work, as simple as that.
The only difference between passive(mostPeople) or active or direct mind programming is in it's intensity, because if quantumTech would be on it's full power nonStop to control all world with it's people, it would be a little weird and people could not be so much psyEnergyExploited and psyExperiments could not be done, besides - 'quantum fuel'(pool of slowly/fast stolen neutral vitalEnergy from all beings(this came out from mindStealinBiz) and 'their' galaxy resources) would probably go to hell and psyExploiters would not get more than they put into such business, that is - they have to get more that they put it - else of course - nobody would make such human farm business.
So, for usual people - passive mind programming is used, for targeted individuals(usualPeople with 24hours a day destroyed mental/regular health sometimes misdiagnosed with "mental illness" or also mentallyDisabled) - active mind programming is used, and for monarchMindProgramming/spiritually-conditioned-a-groupOrArea-of-people-for-psyExperiments(or those that really goes someone on nerve) - direct mind programming(mostlyViaQuantumTech) is used.
Managing the market via mind controlled social hierarchy - nowadays a reality, someone's ai pushes a button - and one's thoughts are blocked, another - and one has a wish to have a sex with brainwasher, another - and one's creative idea is stolen and/or destroyed, another and one get's a migraine, another - one is depressed, another - one is misdiagnosed with some illness(or mental illness - also used to get rid of or socially isolate someone for more psyTorturing/psyExperiments), another and your health/life is wirelessly "undetectably" destroyed/tortured/exploited/controlled/etc.. yup - this would be humanity(and more) violations in it's quite big spectrum.
Quick preview of methods of wireless mind control and how one becomes a part of brainwashers human farm "radar":
There are two major ways of wireless mind control or with another words - mind programming:
- hybrid:
this are inside+outside management mind control methods and are the most common and nowadays used on all society/individuals that are not in brainwashers league.
Eg - nano/micro-chip/rfid/persons-image/blood is used to put a person on brainwashers radar to track a person(just look how many people have feet corns and dry heels amongst other things) + external wireless ai management(scalar waves, microwaves, special "intelligence agency" telecommunications that usually bypass subscribers/paying plans and mostly works via many such protocols, radionics/psychotronics, etc). All of this are used for realtime psyche/body management/opression/destruction/etc, for eg brainwashing via thoughts/emotions based on what someone's see's and in what environment one is - this is nothing special we all more or less all living with this for more than 50years, but it may destroy someone's joy of life or life itself completelly - targeted individuals are in far more intensive program what concerns this and when one becomes aware how this works(that this is not doing bad luck, demons/spirits, nature, etc) - one sees this are nothing but a wireless psycho-physical torturing/fooling methods like it was done on humanity in the history - but wireless - (harsh)("undetectable")technological global opressions. Why? good old nonCommercialSpiritual thing - without it even the most rich in this world is not really free but in brainwashers Psychological Kindergarten.
- non-hybrid:
either fully in body(eg self-powered ambient energy harvesting nano/micro-chips - altough i thing brainwashers mostly ditched this method because it can't be externally manipulated) or
fully externally via better quantumTech(a lot used in monarchMindProrgrammming when they test new nano/micro-processors implanting someone right into head center eg special micro arm-cortex processors just like that - fast operations done by quantumTech+wireless ai precision that regular doctors are mostly not aware of, but because professional mind control business advanced on a black market - of course they don't show it to commercial guys/girls)
What concerns personal image/blood and radionics/psychotronics..
we all have at least identity card and/or driver's licence and/or someone that takes our blood, right?
One of their people working there(also to traffick blood) and we are all fucked so to speak. This is a typical
radionics/psychotronics and/or
electro-herbalism. What are brainwashers trying to hide from you from the whole history? why electro-herbalism works? why anything "wireless" works? it's not that whole existance is non-generous, it's only that psyEnergyExploiters are assholes which have found tricks to "lock/unlock" Nature/Consciousness/Prosperity/Vitality in every single individual - and this is what they have done globally so that they can play kings and queens.
What some call "the system" is hiding in plain sight in front of all mostly because some don't know how mind programming works(i call it nonCommercialSpiritual poorness - altough nowadays it's sahara), but because brainwashers are cunning - they have fooled/brainwashed "livestock" with (mental)illnesses/"virus" names for humanity opression purposses - so that 'livestock' would not interfere with their black market and modern slavery business altough we are all a part of it, which is all a part of mind control circus.
Many have found out how mind programming abuse works in this society, but if you say:
"hey, good news - your migraine is not from nature and is artificial!", you usually get from brainwashed sheeps
this answer: "who cares, either way we must all die from something". This is what i call self-destructive personality 'disorder', even if brainwashers put it there.
Only dead fishes go with brainwashers flow.
How 'livestock' microchipping for human farms of live beings via "radar" works:
more on this subject is also under left menu brainwashing section under Human scada/network.
Implanting someone can also be done wirelessly via quantumTech when one sleeps, but for now i won't write about it
since all don't understand what is nonCommercialSpirituality(psyExploiters don't like that part of you), so here primarily pure physical nano/micro-chipping is explained, it's quite simple.
I'll use term implants here for nano/micro-chips - but any foreign object or some kind of tiny metal or nanoWires or scalarWaves transpoders(something like bank card system but smaller - many implanted heads works on exactly same principle - it's also feelt when it operates - that buzzz) or rfid or something else that communicate via frequencies could be used - eg
mems or more
ProPsyExploiters many times use custom signal/communication intelligence, meaning standard rfid/other signals or even standard rfid tags/other may not be used - but something similar - customized or home made, so that it can easier bypass commercial signals and work exclusivelly for human/other implants.
If someone is implanted, that doesn't mean psychotronics are not used - usually - both is used in combinations for best modern slaves brainwashing/business/wirelessConcentrationCamp/genocide/etc.
Nanochips can be used in two ways:
1) any kind of foreign object used like a gps - so that when ai(or abuser) pushes eg torture an arm - elbow nanochip location is targeted with some kind of exotic dew(directed energy weapon or psychotronics)
2) nerves drivers, neuro stimulators or/and consciousness drivers(pinecone?): usually put into center of the head or cortex head areas or other parts of the body/nervousSystem - creating a kind of
wban(wireless body area network) - this are very tiny - nanometer is much smaller than any hair(manytimes not even visible with naked eye), even smaller than
micrometer - so that they are not so easily spotted with commercial ct/pet/x-ray/etc. This is how society "subconscious mind" became programmable: eg temperature of the body, headache/migraine, mood, thoughts/emotion manipulation, states manipulation, etc - all in one package. This was done serially on many many if not all when weasels figured out how to do it via harsh psyExperiments from before(also on animals) - so that psyExploiters has created for themself conditions to manage markets in such sadistic ways - also torturing someone wireleslly if s/he got them on their nerves(or just for fun, or doing more psyExperiments - which all three is an definition of spoiled psychopath) just by pressing a button and voila - one is a part of active mind programming managed through their wireless ai daily via 24hours a day psychophysical torture destroying psychophysical health and forcing "mental illness"(intrusive thoughts,"hearing voices",harsh headaches daily,destruction of ideas/energy,etc) - which was from the start by psyExploiters meant as a part of mind control business. The same things can be also done without nanochips via better psychotronics.
You can also check
this website - scroll to "IMPLANTS FOR MEDICAL USE AND FOR TORTURE",
altough this could be done without implants - this are used for ecoMindProgramming just in case - if someone threats their modern slavery business.
Like cathy meadows(clinical psychologists who works with targeted individuals - i encourage such psychologists) writes in one of her books(i don't agree with some things in her books - she is probably not a part of active mind programming,but i agree with one of her statement perfectly): one is usually not being a T.I. because s/he has done something wrong - but because somewhere in the past one has done something right. Exactly!! crooks just don't want for others to mess with their biggest covert modern slavery business which most is a part of. When some of us were still spiritually free - we done something that really pissed them off, then - "the holly grail" of tortures was even more there.
Ha haaa, yes - a full spectrum of abuses, could be called "undetectably" tortured society for psyTrainings like some train dogs - this is how psyConditioning went deeep into many people's psyche/lifes, unfortunatelly - this is currently still so, and humanity was a long time ago slowly "undetectably" put on knees for profit via mindControl via any industry they wanted, monkey-mind(cheap radio-like mind chatter) and other treatments. I don't understand people who never tested what's in vaccines and they still insist they are safe(brainwashed sheeps via blind faith, just simple research on nano-level would do the trick and if there is small dose of radiation in vaccinees which in many were, albeit "trojan horse" can be later moleculary wirelessly modified into anything by proBrainwashers - not doctors). Vaccines probably won't kill anyone - but it's always a water on psyEnergyExploiters business, a simple ingredients can make any mind more dull - less naturally alive - vaccines are usually indirectly used(who dictates what's in them is done indirectly not by regular experts - but by "experts" of mind programming) to test new psyConditioning effects which also work in hand with nanochips/psychotronics. I always say - whoever tries to enforce that vaccines are save - first a few has to grab that someone and force 100 needles of some vaccine into that person, if s/he is still alive after one week - then it could be considered safe, else neurological damage tooks place - because this goes directly into blood, not by eating. Personally - if one is not allowed to research/test what is in some substance and is forced into someone - this is pure terrorism(this is probably a reason some vaccines companies have a small writing that one can not sue them for any possible symptoms, while big smile safe people as mask of clowning is put on that website - all lies - some try to be too much your "healthcare professionals", why some don't tell that they like to have people as pure mind programmed products toys without it's own thinking/head/mind - workingBee zombies). When you hear the word "expert" in health industry - think twice who you are trusting your health to(this could be just brainwashed people indirectly doing brainwashers a favour - modern wireless brainwashing is specialized in this). It's a weird world - some created mindcontrol to either brainwash or destroy people's health "undetectably" - so that vaccines for dumbing down mind can be put into someone to treat disease that was created artificially. They create all that they can so that they have healthy mind(altough it's just sadistic) - while they force others "undetectably" to have dumbed down mind - this is psychophysical health laundering and is happening right in front of all everywhere everyday to most - something like money laundering. Do you see it - wireless mindControl can indirectly use industries as their helping aid of brainwashing campaign. This is why brainwashers sometimes have smiles bigger than their faces because they manage to fool doctors/others via mindTech(which can create any pattern in any organism - a pain is there but that doesn't mean an "illness", even commercial psychotronics could probably create eg a micro pyramid pattern in someone's organism with time, then doctors would be brainwashed that this is some kind of new "illness" - with a simple mass lie also via media, as simple as that - this is how brainwashing of doctors with "diploma" works - stubborn people that think they know everything).
Most regular nanochipping is done via generalized alive/dead
radar cross-section.
The better psyExploiters implant someone - the better radar signal of someone is and less power and better communication with someone's mind/organism - even if s/he is somewhere behind more walls.
When they experimented with this on many of us in monarchMindProgramming - they tried many many tricks - they forced us in some area with thick metal so that they could check if signal would work/etc.
The thing being on organized criminals "radar" for livestock is simple: most people nowadays are a part of it and when one is - any kind of "illness" can be simulated on someone(all illnesses are mostly simulations, brainwashers don't need doctors because they don't destroy their own health "undetectably" for human farm business). Ai has very precise human/others organism knowledge - so it can treat any organ or psychological states or something else on someone.
ProBrainwashers don't do this so that doctors have more works - although doctors(which are also treated with this) have a lot more customers because of mind programming abuses.
I think that their "radar"(not police, but specialized radar for mind programming - detection of any object) was advanced by people/kids trafficking business, and one's who could not afford to talk about it or sue brainwashers, eg psychologically weak/isolated "mental patients"/traffickedKids/wo-men, etc.
Here - i'll explain how it's done to implant people/animals:
in the past when human farms became popular and brainwashers and organised criminals specialized radar for human/kids trafficking detected someone - and it was not yet implanted - sometimes "cia" guys came and tried to put anything into someone's body(or black unmarked helicopter took someone or "nazi" surgery was done out there if a kid was eg in forest or that very fast vans came and took a kid, etc - usually one was 1st put into a comma, then - a kid was leaved somewhere near home or so with "refreshed" implanted head/body and usually in a kind of dementia state for a while - "aliens did it!" - of course this are not aliens). When that anything in-body was detected by their radar, radar used less power to detect where one is - like gps, and when that was done - one was kaput/finished, later implants usually followed easier if psyExploiters wanted so.
After that - sometimes their implanting circus continues someday somewhere in the open when a kid is about 3/4years old, eg also implanting nanoWires(probably tungsten like in regular light bulbs but thinner) with long hollow needles right into solarPlexus nerves area and this is done till a guy doesn't hit nerves correctly(harsh acid reflux problems can be a symptom of this), when their radar operator says someone is implanted correctly directly on someone's solarPlexus nerves - implanting guy stops. Sometimes they say "if you'll do something bad to us, we'll say you have a mental illness and you'll be put into a nut house!", this is how they terrorize kids/others - of course any "mental illness" is a trick to fool people hiding mind control business, some are just too fucked up from ai/nanochip messing/controlling their nervousSystem/minds and have real mental problems. Implantations are many times the only reason why some have full blown energetic problems in solarPlexus area and after that - depression and chronic tyredness. It's used to instantly disable someone energetically and otherwise, body may start to violently shake from inside like one would be treated with harsh radiation directly on nerves - one becomes almost instantly weak(or agressive - depends) by their ai decision to torture someone when implants are activated in someone's life for active mind programming. Meaning - one can be full of implants, but they can be in nonactivated state for one's whole life, but in old age - they are usually more and more activated only so - so that "illness" is simulated/brainwashed to come naturally - a part of reTraining 'livestock' mentality - psyConditioning - thought reform, you should not see beyond something that they created for their livestock hobby. Some are doing money laundering, but this idiots are doing psycho-physical health laundering so that they can play - "our ai will manage your lifes/freedom/psychophysicalHealth for our needs".
Of course - all of this could be done via something that doctors are fully blind for - wireless nonCommercialSpiritual chirurgy(eg in sleep) - you could call it gammaRays knife - but it's more like artificial spirit-holographic engineering of materia/mass/spirit/mind/etc via better psychotronics.
Personally - i doubt that someone is still non-implanted in some way eg in our country for popular 'livestock' sport - implanting someone means ecoMindProgramming, less energy and easier manipulation of any individual by ai.
Better mind programming systems also have quite big information knowledge - eg thoughts/emotions of others or what is currently on the radio/tv or in other country(which could be an brainwashers ai and signal intelligence psyTrick), so people are easier brainwashed/psyConditioned in realtime.
Mind programming system is not so hard to do to lead a bunch of people - but not all know 'right people' eg in media houses etc - altought media houses(including workers there) can be also indirectly guided by eg psychotronics w/out implants. Many radio stations are guided by ai to sustain global brainwashing circus in some country or in bigger area that becomes more obvious when "corona" and similar strikes - depends "who's the boss" or "goddess", simple inner(simulating symptoms) and outer brainwashing via media only so - that they try to fool masses. If this is not "their highness" style - i don't know what it is.
Micro/nano-chips(neurotoxic micro/nano-metals or it's variants) and it's locations:
Micro-chips(around 0.05mm or less - could be Arm Cortex microprocessors)/nanometals/otherStuff - and are usually
all over the body - nanoTech is tested well by more than 50years used as noncommercial professional wban variations(something like on wikipedia - but much better).
Any nano/micro-implant/chip is quite easily put into the body(eg with needles,spiritualTech,etc), the problem is to get them out!
For example - nanochip in feet/elsewhere when activated is felt like small pulsing or like a small bee would be trapped on some nerve, symptom of this is dry skin/heels or corns on the sole/feet, in chest like anxiety, in head as pressure/depression, etc.
Also - quite good explanation is on
this website - scroll to "IMPLANTS FOR MEDICAL USE AND FOR TORTURE", i have torture kind of implantation strategy - which is usually not noticed by similarly implanted people when not wirelessly activated by weasels gestapos to be a part of active mind control/programming - but there are more, this is what brainwasheers were(on soldiers/etc and still on civilists) doing the whole time through people's lives - very tiny but many nano/micro-chips - one can design this implanting strategies in some of free computer softwares - eg omnet++ - of course software is neutral and can be used also for ok things and of course some must have knowladge then how to properly implant this - they have trained people for this with a good knowledge of human/other anatomy and anyone is usually implanted in childhood and later memory electronically erased to that - they also sometimes use spiritual mind technology for wireless implantations by 'higher level' mind programming abusers - which their black tantra 'chicks' usually don't know about, since in proExploitingManipulative company it's all only fun and games. Ha haaa - i never wished to be in their company since they are soooooo heavy characters and they always use wireless mind control/programming to subordinate people around themselves(there were 'cia' times when they didn't hide that but because most of us are not sadists - they had to - to 'undetectably' exploit 'livestock'), but i was when a part of monarchMindProgramming - i could say - only fools and horses and business men/girls,
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- some of young "who know how to do with (mind) technology" organized criminals shitheads who mostly know there is no death since they made it through abusing nonCommercialSpirituality to fool/exploit 'livestock' - spiritual black comedians who abuse spirituality for their own gain destroying others abusing best of mindcontrol and mindTech toys, some of them are rich some are not who try themselves in mind controlling markets and people's lives, black tantra(or 'cia') guys/girls who mostly have illegal(sometimes commercial) porn business with mind controlling regular porn stars/actors for psycho-Energeti(X) experiments(porn actors are not aware of that - like many other people), drugs "bosses" usually quite rich to cover market to destroy psychophysical health via putting heavy metals in drugs eg lead(a part of their black comedians network for 'livestock' management), a few corrupted 'young' farmers(sometimes have illegal porn business too) who cooperate with them making them food without using toxins/pesticides for treating food(but they fool other regular farmers toxins are needed), war like criminals which were/are mostly pro business-men from before(a few were bankers or bankers spoiled sons/daughters black tantra guys/girls) who covered eg mengeles's back from concentration camp(which was of course for business) for his 'splendid' torturing methods(which were collected from whole world for "managing the market") which were also implemented into their wireless ai knowledge, train/railway business investors via (special)telecommunications/highPower-electricity, a few corrupted electric/other engineers, corrupted 'neurochirurgists'(many times corrupted spoiled black tantra guys/girls who make orgies only to catch their victims to be later hooked on their spiritual 'papa' wireless ai for modern spiritual/slavery business - they are fully obsessed/sick with slavery business from before), proMarketingLiars/proHypnotists for fooling people via media, pro paedophiles,pro prostitutes having business with other prostitutes which are also treated with mind control/programming without being aware of that(so that their morons can have free prostitutes services), this idiots are also having trafficking people network mostly for more mind unseen torture/control tests, you name it - politians are lollypops compared to them and there are maybe 1% of commercial politicians involved in this organized crime network - since they systematically abuse mind control/programming on humanity for their "experiments" in it's entirety for a long long time, many are just in psyTrance because of this. Yuck - they don't physically smell bad - but otherwise.. yuck, yuck.. their first either piss or shit on their sex collegues so that ha haaa - they are all shitted out.. their idiotic way of "carnivals of sins" - thank you - but we don't need morons - we can have our own carnival of health/sins in hell).
ProManipulators/spoiled-psychopaths will always do what they know best - protect their 'professional' exploiting/'undetectable'-wireless-torturing methods/ass/global-lies for their own gain and try to not be caught even by their own people!
Psychotronics can also be used for full body/mind/consciousness/spirit manipulation - but with
'wban' like bodyNetworks it's ecoMindProgramming, and besides that - they can be hooked on commercial (special)telecommunication networks and voila - "livestock" control - which are pure crimes against humanity and anyone can sue them, some already did.
Guess what are alpha, beta, theta, gamma "brain" waves really?
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this are engineered and a part of mind programming markets - psyExploiters/brainwashers probably used EEG trick to fool mental health personell/doctors and to teach them brainwashed nonsense via brainwashed teachers, naturally we are not made from frequencies - in fact mind programmers made it so that any frequency powerfull enough combined possibly with ionized radiation produces specific illness with specific name(eg malaria) or oppression(global "illnesses" programming by a push of a button - could've been taken right from very big list of spooky2 remote healing database and adjusted for brainwashing) - that's why stress/anxiety is everywhere. A little more powerful enforced frequencies into head can produce any kind of neurological disorder or specific mental state, i don't recommend it - but putting a head right into microwave doesn't sound a good idea. One can produce such low EEG frequencies easily just by mixing even higher x-ray or T-hertz two or more frequencies together - it could be 1THz(terahertz) mixed with 1THz+(1THz+12hz) and voila, the end "brain wave" result would be 12hz EEG or(1THz+(1THz-12hz) to produce -12hz unusual "brain wave") or(x-ray+(x-ray+12hz) to produce 12hz EEG including irradiation of the head - albeit end result in EEG would show the same brain frequency! one of the mind programming secrets to fool doctors). 12hz is supposed to be somewhere in the beta awake human state range and is illegally enforced on humanity for "security" reasons - a part of mind programmed society 'experiments/entrainment'. Notice that all electricity runs in AC(alternative current) 50hz(in europe) and 60hz(in usa) - and is somewhere in the range of "brain" waves(gamma range - or is this just "gamma radiation" mind programming when combined with mindTech tricks? Ai sometimes chooses radiation for "mental illness"/depression/etc human farm management. Maybe edison was right and electric utility companies should use DC(direct current without stress current) which would not produce EMF at all(electromagneticFrequency) smog).
This here will be mostly for males(only what concerns sexual organs nano/micro-chipping) - for females if one will send me info - i'll be glad to put it here.
All down special
wban(wirelessBodyAreaNetwork) are always used for "innocent commercial" managing people's eHealth - also a lot part of SRA(satanicRitualAbuse). But RNM(remoteNeuralMonitoring) is probably advanced to work without nano/micro-chips to work via vacciness nanoparticles and heavy metals found in regular pipe water.
This are also
neurotoxins/ionized-radiation(also via 'undetectable' scalar waves)/poison or
eHerbalism(wirelessHerbalism) abuse based mind control, mostly used in small amounts on all - but more intensivelly in active mind programming(so called targeted individuals).
Personally i don't know anyone that would not have at least one symptom of this:
- head: brain-radio right into head center(you can check What is mind programming Show/hide images for more), brainwashers from always looked for something like this - an easy method that works for 'livestock' management, amonst other things states are easily managed like this in realtime via eg this or this but put on unheard level(i recommend checking this and thoughts consciously sometimes). Ha haaa - nowadays are quite some folks here in slovenia living with tiny brain-radios in heads for more than 50years for "social experiments"(could be managed by scalarWaves or psychotronics simulating brain-radios) - which creates 'disorders/mental-illnes' or 'neurological disorders', in other areas it's probably the same, corrupted satanists and others probably don't have better thing to do like this kind of automated "market management".
- head: top or arround the head skull under the scalp usually also including beforehead - a part of below jesus crowning method of implantation described below for kindof radiohead protocol("voice hearing" or any other audio contents played into someone's head are probably created this way also - we supposed to be their pioners of this kind of psyExperiments for "market management" while psychiatrists try to showoff their diploma not knowing this is the problem especially with people that "look normal" and never get angry - which are just supressing all the mind programming abuse madness inside - of course subconscious madness can be released in safe ways no matter if one is targeted individual or not also via fun - i recommend workshops for this - else - one is just more depressed). This are very tiny but many nano/micro-chips to produce states or for perfect psyConditioning or anything else.
When we were a part of this treatment under heavy doses of psychosis/schizophrenia by psyExploiters wireless operator to put as many by then beings on their wireless ai, they said "this is an hair stitching" - they used injections/other to put micro/nano-chips under the scalp, one can not resist this when 100% quantum mind control is controlling someone to micro/nano-chip someone for later ecoMindProgramming. Usually they used some kind of "intelligence agency" boys/girls that added to global modern slavery mind programming system back then - this were probably corrupted satanists, then they get something from this - this is exactly how communists system operated in the past(give something so that 'the boss' can throw you some bone and even that without meat). There were also bought prostitutes males/females or black tantra boys/girs(probably a part of corrupted satanists) to do the job, they probably worked for someone bigger covering their back or this were simply corrupted satanists. When all that nano/micro-chipping takes place they do very hard schizophrenia/psychosic/dementia "forget about this" braiwashing - which is nothing more but a systematic destruction of someone's psyche/head - like one would for example focus microwave oven power into somoene's head - anyone would have "mental illness" - including psychiatrists - one's that are not in a close mind programmers abusers circle of this biz or are not knowing what's going on - are easily brainwashed. Then a people that don't have a clue what's going on - especially if they pull up their diploma - try to pull you down with their cheap tricks brainwashed head, i recommend - don't fall on it - rather researh for yourself what's true and what isn't. After procedures, one becomes an easy target because one's head is then always on brainwashers radar easily, and if one of them decide, one just presses a button and voila, some person becomes a part of active or direct mind programming(at least passive is a part of all nowadays) - all other does their wireless ai as wireless opressions/torturing 24hours a day and destroying psycho-physical health. This is how black market created worldwide conditions for people/market to be programmed digitally by their wireless ai, if they need specifically something - they push a few buttons.
- head: prefrontal cortex is usually implanted because it's a place of decision making - one can at active mind programming pretty easily notice muscles being stimulated there, some that have completelly destroyed forehead or have that deep furrows/scars is because of this(and rf/psychotronics stimulating them) - also 3rdEye 'cyclops' microchips - sucking refined vital energy out of someone for energyTrafficking - this is also why soo many are on antidepresants nowadays
- head: very popular amongs brainwashers is putting nano/micro-chip right into the brainstem - from the back. It's quite easy to do and it and can control many motorics(and probably mental state/disorder), and if it's drug-delivery nano/micro-chip, it can be put anything into anyone directly into mainNervousSystem/perfectNanochippingSpot, mgDoses of heavyMetals/poison/(psychotropic)drugs/antipsichotics/etc, could be also at the "right" time so that someone is misdiagnosed with anything ai(or brainwasher) wishes(experienced this many times,also by some 'mental health professionals'), this is also why doctors are also brainwashed - "undetectable" indirect mind control works easily
- head: from side of the head a few centimeters back from the eyes - through temples - usually injected, in fact - many can be injected, once psyExploiters figured out how to implant someone properly for mind control and/or brainwashing psyEnergySocial business - they in the past done it serially on many many on big areas
- head: this is sometimes seen on regular ct - but some mistake that spots for something else. There were times when some kind of microcrystals were used(in the past this was used for ears). Eyeballs may be used so that psyExploiters ai sees directly what someone sees - so that ai can based on that use bioFeedback in realtime(although there are better methods for this - eg using nonCommercialSpiritualManipulations or quantumField) - eg: depends with whom one is - and based on that usually both persons are in realtime mindControlled appropriatelly or whole groups. This is the real 'mediator' mind programming(and their slogan "we are always in between" - aka divide and rule) - used a lot nowadays.
- head: right into head bones where there are free small places in between skull bones(hmm - this represents jesus crowning suffering - for "undetectable" modern mind control - usually fully around the head). Now - what do you think that american big woman statue of liberty represents? yes - you could guess it, not sure but at 1st - i think this was an overruling of natural psyche('witches'/others similar) in favour of "white supremacy"(spoiled psychopaths) via mind control. This is how a loooot of people became unconscious psyExploiters market management livestock / mind tools. After mind programming marketing took over many areas of the world not just women but men/children/etc became neurotic - anxiety/nervousness/stress/hysteria/others were born out of this. This is kinda perfect implantation - because any frequency can go right through the whole head - it can broadcast via whole skull from inside so it's perfect neuroLinguisticProgramming, subliminals, thoughts/mind-chatter instilling - prefrontal cortex brainwashing/programming - including creating any perfect sound when "voice hearing" effect is activated in someone(kinda 3DDollbySurround)/voices/tinnitus/any disorder or "mental illness"(which is torture - current modern "system" is based on this) in someone's head or sudden tremor or harsh headaches/migraines or to mind-fuck someone totally for nervousSystem breakdown experiments(will breaking), head pressure and depression or any other torture - this is how psychos/serialKillers/hitler were done in the past - but they didn't knew what "obsessed" them - sudden aggression/hate/etc(this is why i recommend to people that are a part of this the things that i do - many many were abused like this for psyEnergySocial experiments - still are) and for sure it's not a nice experience. If one is born somewhere before 1982 - i almost doubt it's not a part of this. Someone's ai(or them) could have full control over someone's psyche via tesla's scalar wave put on regular mobile towers or something similar - but it's not exaggarated for managing the market and psyEnergySocial experiments so that it's not so easily seen - this is usually for 'life' insurance - a part of modern concentration camp - livestock management. Epilepsy/other can be probably also created via this, "cancer"/etc also. "Corona"? covert pure psyExperiments/brainwashing of livestock - nothing more.. This small implants are quite manytimes seen on regular ct - one just need to take a better look. This can be nowadays done via quantumTech after one is born - right into any body part - this is not more a problem to modern mindTechnology(you can check out mind programming history for more).
- head: right in the back of the eyebrows - inside the skull - could be also used as an aid to subVision or prefrontal cortex management/manipulation/control/torture/etc
- head: sinuses - the same as above. Top sinnuses for headache management and lower at each side of the nose for emotional conditioning. Sometimes harsh headache like someone would have a kind of heavy bullet right between the eyes - thinking is blocked for that time and pain is there - a kind of harsh pressure. This can of course also be done via psychotronics without nanochips
- head: all 3 places imlanted at the same time were/are serially done on many people: hearing(inner-ear: tinnitus, voice hearing, psyControl,easier entrainment of thought/emotions,'undetectable' control of someone's life like garage doors with wireless key fob but mostly managed by wireless ai for mass 'social experiments',etc) - it also creates sound like one would have an aviation or sometimes that sound of powerful transformers in head besides tinnitus high pitch tones/noise, nose(also sinuses area - reasons are mentioned up and also for prefrontal cortex decisions/thoughts management and helping to redirect someone's goals to brainwashers goals), throat(so called forced speech via tiny neuromodulators-readers-writers and for trying to read what person is thinking through this because throat muscles become a little active when one thinks any thoughts) - when doctors diagnose someone with "throat cancer" - this is it - but very tiny nano/micro-level implants. Many times goes with this "holly trinity" also seeing - what someone sees - which makes someone need glasses. All this 3(4) creates what is called a programmable psycho-physical-control interface, so that wireless ai easier reads/controls/psyConditions/opress someone's thoughts/ideas/hearing/subliminals/visions/etc - brainwashers sarcastically call it 'baptized head' or sometimes 'motor head'. If you think this is not true - you just don't know their kind, many won't recall early implantations simply because memory was electronically erased after the procedure. All this may not be active for years and one may not even know this is a part of him/her, but if brainwashers want so - they push a button and this is activated and one is a part of active mind programming just like that - even if tinnitus can be done in more ways - this is the most common reason. Yup, this would be also a part of "social experiments" and modern concentration camp sport/business - a part of wirelessly programmable psychological health society by ai - doctors just don't check it usually because they go with school teaching protocol at nano/micro-level or psychotronics workings else they would probably find it.
- head: would you guess without reading where this are also put? .. .. this are also sometimes put in beauty marks or below them
- head: main head centers and/or any cortex - similar or in cooperation with brain-radio above. In the past some semi-rich put an microchip to test how artificial new personality would work on them - the same procedures were later abused on people - then of course "aliens did it!" aliens of course didn't do it
- head: tears glands which i don't know why they are implanted with nano-chips or nano-materials, of course in the long run it can add to bad health
- head: pons and soc(Superior olivary complex). Voice hearers or other mind controled people could be potentionally implanted here. And yes, with ai guided quick operations on a 'black market'(for illegal business) - this can be done, since computer can store any information of brains preciselly, then using psyEnergeticOperation on someone's head and at the end - making any irregular brain tissue copied from original stored neural-network/tissue, so that no operation marks are seen with regular ct/x-ray/etc. This is similar to how artificial meat/organs are made - but not so simple. Neural networks are also quite popular - meaning a distant artificial neural network of brains and it's neural pathways tries to "fix" an targeted individual brains neural-pathways with that same distant neural network(distant copying it into someone - a kind of mindSet instilling) - which usually doesn't need nanochips, this is also a direct meaning of mind programming - artificial wirelessly programming of someone's neural pathways - which is a mind rape, a lot abused nowadays by mindTech.
- arms(elbows): do you have a dead arm syndrome? this is usually it when there is no external known reason, elbow microchip or similar being activated. It is also used for body orientation/location of a victim body and possible torture
- throat: usually males directly in adam's apple - usually in combination with speech/hearing/etc - otorhinolaryngology stuff and it's connected nerves. Thyroid glands are also popular sites for nanochips. A lump in the throat? this is it, either via nanochip+dew or psychotronics guided by ai. Also, this is why some have "cancer" on throat - it is not from smoking alone - shield that area and pain if is there will usually go away if it's not really harsh 'treatment'
- lungs(somewhere in the body at the 'heart' chakra): this can easily produce anxiety and/or deep lungs pain(if your personal doctor is ignorant about this(eg just gives you a creme like mine did) - replace it - it's a part of brainwashing) - while some go to psychologist for it - but it's usually this
- heart: heart palputations, 'i am a little anxious' thing, heart pain or harsh heartbreak('vampires' like bleeding hearts quite well)? yes, 'just a little anxious' can also be a sign one is nano-chipped(hardwired) right inside heart. This is done easily - one simply with injection puts micro/nano-chip anywhere in the body(including heart) with the help of mobile ct/x-ray/mri/etc while one is under narcosis - they've done a lot of this tests before on animals without narcosis in their bought areas(not hospitals) that later died if they were not chipped right because they were guinea pigs. This was in the past called "nazy doctors", but this were doing brainwashers - it became more like a sport for them on a black market because they don't care if one dies or not while at procedure. I think this was in the past just here and there - but then weasels had the cunning idea when this sport got under their skin, "why wouldn't we do it on all and put all on wireless ai"? Again, only two options: either nano/micro-chip right inside heart cardiovascular vein(known as 'heart artillery' or ox heart or hardwired in brainwashing jargon) + special telecommunications or psychotronics are used. Wireless ai is through life always using the right time in passive mode(eg when two people break up) for this to fool people for social psyConditioning/brainwashing purposses and more heart bleeding/pumping, but in active this becomes obvious and ai is using same things just like that for daily tortures. Heartbreak? are you kidding me? yeah, well - you don't know brainwashers - this is more like a sport for them and a part of "social experiments" and also so that 'livestock' don't free themselves that easily from death therapy recycle thing. Hmm - ha haa, this is also used if one is not of family type too much but brainwashers(or someone that ordered this to them) want to teach that person a lesson - eg would like targeted person to marry someone so that someone gets out of the way - that kind of games, if one doesn't know nothing about mind programming, one will think "it's only heartbreak one after the other, so fuck this". Wrong types of people are manytimes put together by wireless ai strategies deliberatelly - a part of human farmer wireless ai playing "social experiments"(and socio-sexual experiments) on us. I call them parapolitics, they are - because their ai is interfering with people's heads-nervousSystem/lifes/interactions/social life/etc, ai is literally in realtime trying to lead (both) people thoughts/emotions as mediator while they are together - this is how exo/para-politics(and their satanic boys/girls sect or some from black tantra thing) are sticking their noses where there is no place for them(we are not all sadists) - especially if people are not aware of this - this is how modern social control is established - "undetectably". In fact - mind programming abuse is proPaedophilic in nature(some of black tantra accepts proPaedophiles as their motivating force - darkweb is probably theirs), since it mindRapes society every single day so that some can play kings and queens.
Just as a note: h.a.r.t. is also a wireless telecommunications protocol - but i don't know if it's used in this circus, and of course - if it is - microchips are of course tiny - thinner than hair, nano level is even smaller but put directly deep in some nerve - this is why brainwashers are smiling while doctors are blind not figuring out how it works - because usually on ct/mri this is not seen if one is not looking really carefully - it could be a tiny spot or something else while doctors would be brainwashed it's "cancer/other". Of course that spot could be also a target from psychotronics abuse on same body area spot - but it's usually nano/micro-chip. Also - why brainwashers are smiling, doctors not figuring out "cancer"? and then you hear lunatics "when will there be cancer vaccine"? it's a hoax to fool 'patients' with false hope conditioning for whoever is leading this black comedy central, most doctors are also brainwashers 'patients'. "cancer" in brainwashers jargon means 2things which also means one becomes an energetic puppet for brainwashers wireless ai which was also very popular in box sport when tyson succeded and then broke down - all guided/arranged by mind programming(yes - also typical bi-polar thing - artificial energy/state/mood management) - this is used on me all the time for 10years now(and when i was a kid). At first i thought we as targeted individuals are the only ones being a part of this - then i saw it's used worldwide for "cooking cancers" sport, in monarchMindProgramming we were whole black from inside because of extraordinary wireless ionized radiation(gamma/x-rays/etc) tests/business on us - maybe this is wireless modern corrupted satanism sport/fun.
This - mind programming abuse - is also how some get all in life while others have to crawl through life in suffering like zombies. How? simple.. modern wireless mind control - abuse of mind programming, let it be through nano/micro-chipping(usually in childhood) or via psychotronics. By this they try to say to people "don't interfere with 'our' world/market, we are hitlers here", ha haa - for god sake, they are spoiled psychopaths, world is not exclusivelly theirs - it never had been and it never will be, altough yes - quantum/consciousnessTech in their hands and we are fucked so to speak - the case of nowadays modern society being guided by mind programming through whole lifes. This would not be a problem if it would be for security but it's not, in fact - they mostly use word security or something similar to globally fool people, some things are in this world for security but some are not - brainwashers 'security' is definitelly not for security that got into telecommunications(i wonder if powerful airport transmitters were/are also ab-used?)/radio/tv("corona" hoax) systems and commercial health system(many vacciness, many pills, etc) - which are in fact brainwashers aid. I recommend this - whenever you hear "corona"/other or 'virus' marketing lie on tv/radio, watch what's going on inside you with energy, is there more anxiousness/nervousness? this is many time the case, because brainwashers wireless ai is synchonized with what someone hears on tv/radio and is at the same time psyConditoning someone eg with energy/thoughts/emotions - maybe fear. I recommend this to remember what concerns this/'virus' marketing lie/etc as f.e.a.r. - false evidence appearing real. To understand how brainwashers create "corona" hoax, one must understand quite many different things or just use a little more powerful psychotronics/quantumTech and optionally having someone at radio/tv doing business with - because media is the most used thing in mind programming abuse for eg playing video/audio contents into babies head to create specific personality, to create a specific area via computer template, for fake news conditioning or the winner - a lot used in monarchMindProgramming, a little media + energetic conditioning can mold someone's consiousness and with that - world around that consciousness - this is why they 'need' (spiritual)slaves. In everyday life fooling all on subconscious level to get what they want is their way(eg subliminals - are literally everywhere - wireless ai mixing them into reality in realtime around us - this can be checked by anyone).
- solarPlexus(in the middle of the body below heart - mostly for parasitic energy/personalPower "satanic" harvesting, opressions and at the same time - "subconscious" control): only this can produce total depression, lethargy, irritability, sometimes feeling sick and other stuff. Somewhere between this and upper 'heart chakra' - diaphragma(or somewhere near) may be implanted - health is then managed also via anxiety, acid flux, short of breath, etc. What concerns psychotherapists etc - same as above. When someone has implantation symptoms - usually folk goes to psychotherapiests etc, but when mind programming with eg proWBan nano/micro-chipping is involved - well, it's obvious why talk alone can't help.
- solarPlexus(in the middle of the body below heart - mostly for parasitic energy/personalPower "satanic" harvesting, opressions and at the same time - "subconscious" control): here - psyExploiters also many times experiment with implanting nano/micro-wires(tungsten(also used in regular transparent lightbulbs) or something else) - long needle is used for that and in nanoWire in it - they try to hit nerves stiching that directly through that body area. Then they try a few tricks wirelessly - if nanoWire gone through nerves - if not - the do it again. For this managing of health is via: creating anxiety,nervousness,irritability,lethargy,depression,etc. This are mostly in modern world created via this. If any electromagneticFrequency(including "dirty electricity" in houses) hits that wires(which are nowadays everywhere) - centralNerves wired with nanoWires automatically reacts - bad overall health. "Nsa" and their guys tricks(some are balkans, some are gypsies, some are from elsewhere, some are paraSoldiers,some are talking drugs and are like from that movie jack ass. This are usually also holly-wood circus makers - creating actors/singers/etc products ouf of children via monarchMindProgramming for explicitly "their" market - spoiled warlike criminals. The best singers are certainly not being a product of mindProgramming,nor do they usually talking drugs/alcohol)
- haraChakra(belly): usually left or right from it - may be combined with sexual or other organs above belly for wban(micro/nano chipping alla wirelessBodyAreaNetworks style)
- hips: depends on 'black market' implanting wirelessBodyAreaNetwork(wban) system used - but hips are mostly also micro/nano-chipped directly into the bone(hmm - how the hell got there? proExploiters toys), this is why people start to complain that they suffer from pain in the hips
- back: probably yes - from the back beneath the throat and especially that lowest back thing
- sexual organs: this are usually also implanted for different reasons(in the past brainwashers cut young boys/girls so that they couldn't feel no pleasure). Many have them right in between penis and anus or prostate - and have some kind of stiches there. When activated(active mind programming) - used as a part of automated torture through 'sweet' spots or to make one agressive/fullIrritable/fullNervous instantly or to disable someone instantly - this is usually through testicles which some have implants in them - but are usually there so that directed energy weapons/other knows exact location like gps when one in software program(usually ai) chooses - torture through testicles or simulate sexual energy for sexual psyConditioning purposses. This is a little easier noticed in active mind programming.
- legs below sexual organs: some kind of artificial material may be there - i am not sure what that is for
- thights: some of us were there impregnated with some of nanomaterials - it's seen - this are called 'chicken' skin and is usually more sensitive on sun
- feet: this are usually also all over the place at that locations. Typical symptom of dry heels means one has microchip in heel, toes, etc. Typical symptom is also tingling
- feet: do you have any of these or these even in not so obvious form? notice that this can be also on places where feet are not touching the ground! hmm - new type of primary wireless healthcare! official medicine is still secondary. Regular home pipe water has heavy metals in(and small poisonous organic materials) which adds to concentrating these metals in the body(also feet/skin) hard skin, so for start - you can start drinking pure distilled water for a little improvement of dry heels/corns, body will also feel a little better - eg no joint pain anymore. By the way - brainwashers have brainwash many that our body need iron/etc to function, while heavy metals are even from concentration camps known to be good to make people dumb and ill, heavy metals are good electrical conductors that helps psyExploiters global "undetectable" health opressions, that's why you find them in "vitamins/minerals"/water/food/fertilisers/etc, yep - psyExploiters jobs. Now - what do heavy metals in body(regular sea salt is full of it) do in combination with other things? brainwashers eco magic! there is no one that i know of that doesn't have too much heavy metals in the body, this was proved, it can be again.. Also - Illegal law enforcenment by psyEnergyExploiters/extremePsyExperimenters - having specialized psychotronics toys which affect materia(also human/animal/etc body - which is nowadays designed from birth on - so body glands producing heavy metals in the body probably crossed psyExploiters minds). So - nanoChips/otherMaterial can be potentially also put in anyone when one sleeps or after birth. either nanochips or some other highdensity(so it can be small) metalic implant - radioFrequency or psychotronics energy is making this visible in a form of hard skin. But some think - "a lot of people has these!". Yes, "rich criminals" are trying "open concentration camp" tests on whole humanity - humanity is a cattle to test new psyExperiments on, most won't remember when this happened. Opression methods - so that no one(except them) are "too healthy" - but the most brainwashing has gone into people thinking this is doing nature. Whatever is monsanto doing to plants, psyExploiters are doing on humanity, testing modern slavery business.
- joints: any joints all over the body. Goes together with other body locations and "social-psychological-energetical experiments" - although nowadays mostly a part of illegal business and managing markets
And then - some don't know where
'cancer' comes from(psyEnergyExploiters/brainwashers corrupted satanists are doing global slavery/brainwashing/sheeps projects from a long time ago to fool/exploit masses for EnergetiX profit and psychic energy trafficking - global resources violations/stealing - human farms for nonCommercialSpirituality quantum fuel and other games for their idiotic highness to create anything they want with a push of a button while modern slaves are brainwashed with (mental)illnesses names for opression and for vital energy trafficking(psyConditioning is there to create more of this - altough nowadays they try to reap sahara for god sake) - this is why they had to invent words to fool masses - 'cancer'/depression/etc), of course psychotronics without nano/micro-chips can do the same.
Is all of this for real? of course it is - it became some kind of sport and most are nowadays a part of this
because with time - "psychological experiments"(and mindControl) advanced very much without much being told to public - some just use this style on most - that's all.
If someone has more info about this - you can send me an email and i'll be glad to put it here.
What can be done with mindTech/psychotronics?
well - a nut house/world when used for business "undetectably" - private 'animal kingdom' or livestock psyEnergyExperiments/etc..
quite some things can be done, but here are some options mostly used when abUsed..
- brainwashing: create some area/world just for me primitive egoistic sadistic motives - no matter how much systematic torture/suffering they create(something like this was done to native americans) - and control or put aside others(tiranic loyalty enforcenment usually also through physical rapes of women/kids for later harsh exploitation games - sometimes some countries are robbed this way for kinda "sport"), and yes - some are like this that abuse mind programming, more or less just for "fun".
- brainwashing: some use them to wirelessly brainwash 'opponents', while proExploiters use this extensivelly - globally, also for full-blown individual monarchMindProgramming guided by ai.
- brainwashing: some use them in combination with date rape drugs - this are usually quite well paid proRapists - could be also a few young folk, kinda proMindProgramming pets. This are also used as paedophiles only to deeply psyCondition "too healthy" kids with paranoia and supression, opressive stuff, because brainwashers are mostly opressors.
- brainwashing: some used and still use this to fool a loot of people and lower it's standards via lies/supression/media-news-lies and create a bad mood amongs people(eg with some bogus 'corona virus' thing or good old trick - "warefare" propaganda to train humanity like some train dogs with fear and terror)
- partners that are not appropriate for one another can be put together(the only reason why some women that are daily hit/mistreated by tiranic husband don't get away from him is only this - usually not known by a victim mindControled psychoPhysical powerlesness(a t.i. without knowing it) - someone is testing such mindControl on someone
- social isolation - mostly for t.i.-s: eg - one magically doesn't have anyone around that is interested in similar things: if one wants to do something and there are no apropriate people/other after 2years - one is definitely being mind programmed
- mind experiments: jap, sometimes worse experiments than hitler did(by the way he was made by such people as for indirect dictator(usually Monarch Mind Programming phase at cca 3/5years), because this is done wirelessly(yetToCheckIfImplantsAreAMust) and in the open - there a a looot of mindModification methods on google patents, which are neutral and not a problem. The same is with fire(it's neutral) - one can cook a meal with it or burn a living wo/man with it.
- mind experiments and ai learnings: this is their oldest trick - they try to make a few people a little cookoo(a little crazy, eg forcing artificial "head voices") - so that they can do more "legal" experiments on them/us
- when psyExploiters try to test some new thing on people - they fire up some political scandal or propaganda - so that people/politics start a fight/problems/etc: they create a false evidences(people are manytimes fooled by them) for things and then because people are not aware what's in the game and what is the primary cause of some misunderstanding - they start to fight a fight that psyExploiters created via mind control in the first place - this could be from anywhere on the earth, someone pushes a button - and one almost get halucinations, another - and someone's parent becomes a hitler(family violence), another button and one because of harsh back pain instantly fall on the but like a puppet - altough this is usually tested quite a lot in MonarchMindProgramming with bully types of guys/girls having garage-doors like wireless remotes in their hands.
- "corona virus" like global brainwashing which is not a "virus"(easily done by better mindControl): yeah - don't tell me about it - one of spoiled psychopaths global sport. It seems brainwashers(or psyExploiters) want to do more covert psychological experiments and probably get rid of a few people and similar things - the "legal" way. Their typical excuse would be that there is too much people here, which is just a propaganda lie
- trying to steal/replicate/traffick "soul" properties of someone(goes into mindStealing or quantum stealing category - the best "stealing" there is)
- the things that one would get as a 'natural way of life' is intercepted by psyExploiter(s) - which also includes the best of "free" girls/boys/etc for sex. This is sometimes also a reason for so many heartbreaks - because people behind this know what's going on and the one on other side doesn't.
- this can be inverted, eg some are prevented to get from life anything(here also thought/ideas prevention/destruction inside individual mind is used). This can be a part of anyone(without someone realizing that) but usually mostly for targeted individuals, which usually don't have sex not because they never did, but because this mindTech does everything that one does not get apropriate partner(s). This is with a reason - and is a part of social/isolation conditionings(nonApropriate(sexual) partners are encouraged by this mindTech - this is especially noticed in active m.progr. if one "hears voices" - they always say yes to anyone unapropriate. This is also so that one would "get into trouble" etc)
- to make someone totally "insane"(typical for targetedIndividuals but is also used as social engineering on most in mild forms): mostly filling/forcing someone's mind/body(especially nervesSystem) with microwaves/other wirelessly done by ai - and voila - ha haa - someone almost becomes a hitler(this is how he was made also - aggression/maddness starts to build up and can be usually measured), so that one would start to doubt his/her own mind - which psyExploiters use for instilling 'mental enslavement' triggers/mind. This is all there is to so called "mental illness"(primitivness is another story). This is usually the stage where people are being put into mental hostpital because of paranoia or other similar stuff. Do psychiatrists know anything about mind programming? no.. Are they open to this subject? i didn't yet find one. Hysteria is also a by product of dew(directed energy weapon) treatment by someone's ai. In preMindTech era - creating white psychological madness was tested by some husbands(businessMens/etc) on wifes to advance their hypnotic skills if she was mostly at home(isolation methods) - eg, they rearanged some things in appartment or take some things and after that told her that she is just making things up - because she doesn't remember(or can't control) what she is doing and that she needs help. But if she's being "hooked" on brainwashers idea - then "help" becomes anything one wishes - some hypnotists were(are) ab-using this same methods(the same goes for mind programming and t.i.-s). That's how some enslaved someone's mind and s/he was someone's psychological slave(some woman probably done that with their husbands). This kind of tricks were incorporated into psychotronics - for "going nuts" tricks - but much much more advanced - so that abuser can later do with one whatever he/she wants to practice one's brainwashing skill on human toy.
- monarch mind programming: which is a beast per se(kind of the best of mind programming) - how to totally reProgram someone's mind from ground up and make a (trafficked) kid a product for their markets of modern slaves. This is trauma based direct mind programming long psyTorturing/proPsyConditionings processes - only the best from all history tortures in one place - probably from wars too. Usually done hard once in a lifetime with children - torturing with no limits - usually only here direct mind programming is used in physical/mental/spiritual/sexual/etc waters(dr Mengele's cruel experiment with twins/children in concentration camp are for example also a part of this - leaded/integrated into their ai knowledgeBase/dataBase/metaBase(meaning-one can replay anything-anyMetaExperience recorded from anyone wirelessly on anyone else wirelessly covertly - and that person will experience the same - a part of their pigsty) - some say a lot of singers/actors/sexIndustryWorkers were done like this - also for hollywood - monarchs, but with time this became more available and cheap and many children become a part of it just like this - including myself(hmm - i really don't know what they wanted to reProgram me into - although they offered me a job of serial killer and i would immediatelly get a nice house and some tools - but i said 'you forget to bring me ice cream' - then - it was more fun'n games direct mind programming by then still spiritual torturing - full mind+reality around someone manipulation - quantum very precise high class "military" like control - something like in a matrix movie but not so fancy). More in 'onepage' version.
- artificial personalities used in social experiments/business - instilled ego: how much appetite someone has or doesn't have(250kg people in usa experiments as extremes), who one will like or dislike - reprogramming/rewriting the real natural impulses and then broken hearts(TM) everywhere, what one will like or dislike, social conditioning via social interractions via 'subconscious' nervousness/anxiety guiding, how inteligent or 'dumbed down' one will be, what kind of general personality one will have, etc. Some tested this methods in the past on themselves in semi-rich classes(they either microchipped themselves right into head center to drive one's new personality or other methods were used)
- artificial social experiments with brainwashing methods
- full wireless health management(psyEnergyParasiticMethods - some are covertly microImplanted with microNeuroStimulators in childhood): this is abUsed a lot - on many many people(if not all) - again - wirelessly, meaning passive(notNoticedByNovices-normalPeople) or active(soCalledTargetedIndividuals - on which health is deliberatelly destroyed usually 24hours a day - tadaaaa - i am amongst this - also having tinnitus and "hearing" voices(which is deliberate neuroLinguisticProgramming/psyTorture which can be prooved - more in leftMenu 'Voice hearers')). This health hokus pokus also means full social control over one's life - usually by ai strategies(in passive mode novices won't know a thing). Here - modern brainwashers goal is to make mind programming as unnoticable as it can be - so that many illnesses look like they are 'natural'(eg mental illness or harsh bipolar etc) - the same methods and strategies are implemented in their artificial intelligence. Psychosis/schizophrenia was(is still sometimes) done this way, tested also on soldiers in the past.
- psychic or exo/para psychopolitical wireless dictatorship(alla "hitler's" dreams - i call them spoiled psychopaths) - harsh wireless psyTortures: one pretty much at that time feels something like one is wirelessly abUsed by 'kkk' sect on this pic/book - like one would have a psychiatric brainwashing helmet on but no physical helmet is there(active/direct but not passive mind programming) - mindTech opressions/psyEnergyExploitation - which is a lot used in monarchMindProgramming(whoever was a part of) for deep psyTraining like one would be their animal, eg - one is implanted(or other wireless methods are used) and then trained, eg "our doggy - sit!" - and voila one can not help oneself but sit - because totalMindControl(wholeMotoricsToo) is used - meaning terrorists have wireless controls in their hands of someone whole mind/body(includingWholeMotorics) - an old primer on an animal is here - that time done openly by neuroScientist delgado(in mindProgramming methods are similar but covertly implanted) - although some methods are nowadays more advanced. This are just a few examples - other are usually(especially in monarchMindProgramming long psyTortures processes/trainings) much much worse. I call it open but covert wireless concentration camp - which it is. Psychotronics could be used for ok things - but nowadays they are mostly abUsed for exo/para psychopolitical social games by psyExploiters, eg deliberate harsh bullying is a method in mind programming - ai also uses it quite a lot. The same is with eg - mobing
- spiritual conditioning: harsh spiritual abUses known as Cyber Torture Terrorism which is the best direct mind programming - usually the worst there are where consciousness/mind/spirit is programmed via the most vivid terror like an computer - nowadays this can be all wirelessly done. This is why proExploiters have smiles bigger that their faces - because the most violent terrorism can be easily hidden that way to "teach someone a lesson"(like in hidden family violence but much worse) not to play with "their modern slavery market". Someone wrote - "mind has no firewall". Exactly..
- black magic or voodoo: whoever doesn't know what mindControl is nowadays capable of - could in the old days think s/he is under a spell of a black magic or voodoo, or may think that devil/badSpirit obsessed him/her or some used exorcism on someone. Of course that didn't help in the long run, because in reality - nothing was really done to get rid of mindProgramming
- etc etc..
Can be mind control/programming abuse measured?
Yes, absolutelly.
There are ways to measure it and anyone can do it(eg down written eeg test).
Wireless mind programming is mostly energetic mind control, ionizing known to be damaging(x/gamma-rays,etc)
and also non-ionizing which is in fact producing small but enough micro-current in the body and when active and one could see
this under the microscope - synapses would experience neuronal storm for any 'disorder/chronic-illness' for psyEnergeticBusiness - so just two wireless interfaces/protocols are in the game:
- electro-mechanical:
(special)telecommunications(anyTelecommunicationTowers/tv-radio-mobile-towers/satellites/etc + nano/micro-chips/neurostimulators. This are manytimes operated via sigint(signal-intelligence - which is of course automated through the world via wireless ai). Someone must be uniquelly identified with something in the body so that external energetic control is possible via wireless ai. Here - this are (special/commercial)transmitters - possibly also from someone's home. This can also be beam forming technology - very known from 2G/3G/4G/5G beam forming technology - meaning radar is not a must to be beamed by someone with microwaves(spread frequencies are one thing - but directed like laser is a different story - creating eg migraine is a piece of cake) - beam forming(also check 'History in wireless communication standards') and beam stearing is a known purelly electrical technology using just a few antennas via phased arrays to beam any target one wants - it can potentially destroy someone's life/psychophysical health completelly and was a lot tested in the past - also on soldiers(nowadays used for business/sport/experiments/to-teach-someone-a-lesson/etc). With any of this tech - one can simply play with people's lifes/health, which was probably a reason why sooo much antennas/towers/mobile-satellites were grown in the past.
- psychotronics(mindChanging devices) on eg google patents(can be used from home - usually don't have regular transmitters - but can be installed on any commercial/other ones):
one is also uniquelly identified - but purelly wirelessly energetically(in the old days photo/blood(dna) or some other unique pattern of someone was used - used from radionics practice). Anything brainwashers wishes can be targeted onto anyone at any distance - a quantum tech. Sometimes - psychotronics antennas are put in the soil/earth or some other not easily seen place, so that brainwashers do more extensive psyEnergeticExperiments on people and that snoopy people don't know where "haarp" is comming from.
Getting rid of this is easier said than done - since one can not just say no to wireless energetic mind control - because one can not just grab it with hands.
Why are some burned out in some body area and suffering as hell? simply - producing microcurrent(or x-ray/etc irradiaiton) slowly but constantly many years made some part worse - mystery solved!
In fact - the similar microcurrent is used by physician producing it non-wirelessly with electrodes for better health, but here - it's done either for
energy harvesting or energy destruction/opression/experiments totally wirelessly.
Also, this can be located by it's source of wireless transmitting, electro-mechanical via regular rf-measurments but psychotronics are usually a little harder to find.
Usually - both methods are used on individual/mass of people, someone tortured for 10+ years with chronic tyredness at 20? something is wrong..
So - how can this be measured?
Depends what wireless ai chooses as a method of someone's 'therapy'.
Also - wireless ai is pretty clever - sometimes it will try to dimish(not simulate) things when one goes to a doctor.
- eeg: too much neuro-stimulus will be shown in the form of neurotic/nervous bursts/spikes.
100% method - at myself it worked the 1st time. This just shows one's mind is in chaotic state mostly all of the time via electronic torture - typical for all t.i.-s.
- regular magnetic field detection(works 100% most of the time - check under 'news' section):
i am sometimes woken up by heavy head pressure - then i run a quick test with magnetic detector and voila - it beeps like crazy. I try some other day(or in other place away from usual placec where i am mostly) - it doesn't - altough any pain/weird-head-state can be created in many different ways - depends what someone's wireless ai has at it's menu. Don't be fooled by someone telling jokes on tv/radio this are natural magnetic storms! They are - but are artificially wirelessly done in someone's space targetind one's nervous system/head/organism.
- x/gamma/alpha/beta-ray dosimeter:
commercial ones can measure slightly. This is also why i sometimes call this business/sport modern concentration camp, it still is - abused on t.i.-s for their "disorders/mental-illnesses/etc" trick so that a few can play kings and queens. Health care has it's place - but not when wireless "psychological experiments" are destroying health only so that it's seen/brainwashed that nature is doing violent/greedy dictators. Hospitals also have a little more patients that way but this is not the point. It is not nature doing this!
- any form of energetic(eg x-ray) scan:
altough this is not practical - since scans would have to be done eg before one has headache/migraine/disorder/etc and would have to be taken every second till that pain(or bi-polar moodswing or 'electroshock' or whatever) is over. It would also show things.
This are a few things - for more - more tests should be made.
I am highly encouraging anyone preventivelly to do this tests for your own good - any 'illness/disorder' are energetic/neuro/bodily disturbances made wirelessly artificially to live life at least semi-ok.
Remember - this are mostly energetic things something like radiowaves/irradiance - they are not seen but we can all hear radio playing.
How have in fact brainwashers designed many many people to test their trick on? simply serially implanting worker/other class with nano-radio-controlled-chips(memory is electronically erased after that but some do remember and anyone can) or spiritualTech is used - so only this "class" kind of people are for "market management" affected by specific telecommunication stations/waves at specific hours for anything - eg excessive appetite for eating(too weighted or also 350kg people in usa) or inducing sleeping mind as mind programming for mass tests or inducing sleepy mind at any other hour or anyting else. People that are not nano-radio-chipped are not affected by radio-waves - because nervousSystem is not triggered by them and programmed. The same methods can be used via nano-chips for tv/mobile/other signals, altough even this would not be a real problem if it would not be abUsed. Some have became obsessed with mindControlling someone wirelessly like a puppet no matter where s/he is - at home/work/party/etc.
More info about measuring this will be probably available in support groups - email/phone is in the links/email section,
so that someone has at least basic knowledge how it can protect against this kind of terrorism.
History of this and a practical psychophysical health management/programming example
Why was mind programming created? mostly to wirelessly opress/exploit others/'livestock'.
In fact what some call "the system" is nothing but modern automated genocide business via mind programming/control - full neuro marketing abuse on humanity.
For mind programming knowledge some wanted to fully understand how our mind/nature/etc works from ground up(from tiniest atom to biggest mountain) so that mind programming business could be later used on 'livestock'(nowadays a reality). This was by that time mostly a business of psyExploiters/brainwshers/spiritualAbusers/etc - so it was always done covertly - also later via "intelligence agencies" for brainwashers to make their own 'livestock' standards - brainwashers became obsessed with playing tricks globally on population - eg "vi-rus" marketing lie/etc to put somehow 'livestock' aside of their business - altought ironically they supposed to own 'livestock' - all people's lives to use humanity as 'psyExperiments' business/exploiting object. This business was on a black market a bum in the past - but still it probably holds it's prices there.
psychological "experiments" done through whole world in the past(also lobotomia - but done in such a way that it looked like this people neeeded treatment by "nazy doctors" that by then also used quite a lot chemicals to manage someone's mind/mood/etc) were only testings from planned business of mind control/programming abuse(human farms) that we are all a part today via wireless psycho and/or physical health dictature - many vaccinees/pills are also a part of brainwashers same 'human farm' pigsty business and this should be all re-checked - some are literally to kill rats(metotrexat,etc).
Practical psychophysical health management/programming examples:
Here are just a few practical samples how this works daily on humanity,
and how "operaters of the minds" abuses(or uses) this - mind programming word is not just like that - it's meaning is literal.
Altough all this can be manually operated(was for tests - when they builded up this system in the past) - this is nowadays doing their wireless ai on humanity for aka - human farms.
Psychotronics can be also added to commercial transmitters networks for ideal transmitting and then later operated by psyExploiters/perpetrators also from mobile phones, from home, from wrist watches, etc.
This specialized telecommunication towers flush/psyCondition/brainwash our minds with electricity and electricity like properties via mind programming - altough commercial towers are not a must - one could build this at home with the right knowledge. In telecommunication area market - there is probably a big share on a black market that abuses this - by "rich sects"(not all rich are assholes) or some of black tantra guys/girls.
I call them "sects" because they from always used harsh abuses on humanity to get what they want: poisoning via water/food supply is their oldest trick used on masses(still arround as cheap poisoned food/etc), mind control is their second bigges trick, vacciness are their inventions in which is nothing but poison/toxic(psychotronics were before vacciness which were used to fool doctors/people - any "illness/disorder" can be made wirelessly), etc etc.
Well - here are a few things what modern mind control/programming can easily do - what modern wireless concentration camp business is made possible via organized criminals network(brainwashers/psyExploiters/abusive-business-people-in-general/etc):
- rePlay emotion of anger(or any other emotion) on anyone's mind - and that one experience this same emotion fully inside him/her instantly(not a few seconds/minutes later - but instantly). Many get angry - but get angry because assholes are still making genocide business via neuro marketing abuse on humanity - so that they can live high lives on expence of humanity suffering and bad psychophysical health - Energeti(X)/psyBusiness/etc.
- rePlay depression with harsh pressure in someone mind/head - and that one literally experiences the same. All of this is of course not doing nature.
- rePlay thoughts that someone thought an minute ago(or put new thoughts into someone head) - and someone will "have" that same thoughts. Someone that knows nothing about mind programming abuses - will have no doubt thoughts are his/her own - which is made deliberatelly for subConsicous programming or psyConditioning - alla wireless dog training tricks psyConditioning to have specific working class. Some of non corrupted gurus are giving good advices what concerns this - but they think this rubbish of thoughts is produced by "the mind". Ha haa - no.. it's produced by covert mind programming done on humanity(thought and emotions are at least what is used covertly on anyone nowadays for "managing the market - livestock heads" - no matter if one is a targeted individual or not - withouth exception! which is neuro marketing abuse), and "enlighened gurus" just think this is "the mind". They are the most near to what i am writing - much more near that doctors/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc - but still - they are not aware what produces rubbish thoughts(monkey mind - add/adhd, mind chatter, usual thoughts, etc), here - it's explained in it's entirety and brainwashers have put humanity onto knees a long time ago by profesional global manipulation also via mindTech abuses and media global lies - also via "virus" marketing lies, "news" are either read by ai or by puppets that just parroting what is made into their hands - nothing is checked and some think they are seeing/listening "truth news".. In this kind of world - no.. Humanity psychophysical health is unfortunatelly still managed by wireless machines - psychotronics and/or nano/micro-chips - people/doctors/psychologists/psychotherapiests were just fooled - this is why also to become a little more "enlighened gurus" is quite hard to come by - since quite a lot of suffering is usually needed(or at least an open mind) so that one sees throught trance and a network of brainwashed bullshit that wireless brainwashing business produces also via global "news" lies.
- rePlay any disorder(bi-polar, voice hearing, tinnitus, etc) on someone's mind - and voila, someone is literally clearly experiences this inside him/her-self.
- rePlay any pain(or pleasure) anywhere in the body, and pain is instantly at exact location in the body
- rePlay agression on someone, and voila - someone becomes almost like hitler(this were by the way same methods used on him for indirect toy dictator and serial killers in the past - this kind of people are usually trained that way via many lives before being tortured - the same is used on myself because their ai is try to subside me to their wishes/commands/torture/etc). Haaaarsh violence(mostly inner violence mind control produces - eg hard head pressure/migraine/psyPain/etc) is the most abusive part of this business - since family violence is 80% boosted only by this - their ai is using strategies of thoughts/emotions to make "chicken fight" on people - because psychic/Energeti(X) business get a little more energy this way and "divide and rule" works better. Children are here the most at stake - since they may become victims of mind controled primitive parents psycho-physical violence - totalitarian parents are treated with schisophrenia mind control to make children(especiall which were a part of monarchMindProgramming) psyConditioned by obey/be-quiet/dont-argue/supress-your-anger/etc - many that broke in the process of childhood become unconscious psychopaths/sadomasohists - which is a goal of spoiled psyhopaths to get them indirectly on their side via "demonism"/sadism/criminal-activity/etc to work indirectly for them(psyExploiters don't care if someone kills/rapes someone - they enjoy it and practiced it alot also in their "satanic ritual abuses" and/or monarchMindProgramming - but will try to make rules for regular people if they don't kill for them as their slave serial killer!! Also because of cultural psyConditioning and "obey" dog training tricks - there is another word but will not mention it here. They kill massses every day and are used to it from before - it's called "death/illness/disorders/illness" made only by their automated spiritual wireless systems - this are their spiritual brainwashed "livestock" - mortals.. for business/things that they practice every single day would even politics be thrown into a jail - any black market business(especially mind control/programming business), but - they play chickens hiding under wireless mind control/programming - which is their "castle wall security defence" manipulation trick(word security is always abused by them for doing dirty work behind some firm/business - eg vacciness)). You don't have to be a serial killer to understand this and i don't recommend it - but a serial killer would understand this too. If you want to be a kind of "healthy spirit in a healthy body" then you will somehow have to get rid of "collective unconsciousness" psychological baggage(this is at what level noncorrupted "gurus" are - eg eckhart-tolle/mooji/osho-was-also-a-bit-more-though-case-for-psyExploiters-he-was-once-in-a-jail-because-he-didn't-respect-slavery-rules) which is nothing but global lies pressed/neuroLinguisticallyProgrammed into your (subconscious)mind mostly from your birth on to subside to psyExploiters/brainwashers greedy will - but almost anyone can do much better than that for his/her own psychophysical health, of course not rubbish promoted on tv/radio to buy people's attention.
- make stroke or heart attack: and someone will experience a stroke or heart attack - this is nowadays done by wireless ai for general social psyConditioning also via "victim" mentality methods - since many think this is doing something that is out of their reach(nature) - but is done artificially. "Victim" methods were mostly added to "intelligence agency" brainwashing system by corrupted young satanists from rich families - which were obsessed with electronics/special-telecommunications/etc and someone that didn't upgrade his/her knowledge with electrical knowledge and computer knowledge that by that time came into existence - were this same young spoiled psychopaths thrown their own people who before covered their back - also some of their old criminals leading prostitutes/drugs/etc black market business - this were mostly even destroyed later by wireless mind control/programming without them being even aware what hitted them(yead - guns and tanks and things are just toys compared to what real direct mind programming can do) - the same as is used on all targeted individuals(which most of never had any criminal acitvity and would not even squash an ant!) - active or even direct(100%) wirelesss mind programming. Wireless killing machine was created somehow like communism system - if someone added to it - s/he got something - a poor bone was thrown to that guy/girl(proManipulator later also with time kills others smalles criminal slaves so that it doesn't get into his/her business) - this is how psychotronics knowledge sprouted via history, then only methods of conditioning were integrated into their ai - professional paedophiles psyConditioning methods are usually the best.
- make epilepsy on someone: and someone "has" epilepsy. This is one of the methods that shows how not just passive/active - but direct mind programming works under 100% mind control of mind/organism. In monarchMindProgramming this are extensivelly abused day by day in a long torturing process - altough there one can also walk and know s/he is under 100% mind control because one doesn't have any motorics commands over his/her own mind/body! Sometimes this is used for deep subconscious programming of guilt by best mind programmers "psyExperts", eg one is in childhood forced to rape a girl via 100% mind control in front of them or not(they implant sex organ areas for wireless penis up/down motorics control) - even if s/he would never do that - and then this emotions of desperation are deeply supressed and conscious mind erased via eg electric dissolution of memory or other method, and yes - that would be typical "intelligence agencies" spoiled psychopaths doing their work. After one grows up and has all that memories suppressed - their ai database has all that memories/subConscious-stuff stored and if they want to make someone psychologically knee because of deeep unresolved trauma on their wish like a trained dogs - they simply replay this same emotions of deeeep powerlessness which a victim is usually not aware of. This is why monarchMindPRogramming is usually called Trauma Based Monarch Mind Programming - which perfectly describes it's meaning. Physical rapes are in monarchMindProgramming nothing unusual since their kind of people usually practices black tantra in which bought proPaedophiles/other-psychos doing business on darknet are welcomed. Hmm - when they have sex they first shit and piss on their collegues(pissing/etc), well - ha haaa - they shit their own collegues for god sake - this must be a modern pigsty per se - el magnifique! So thanks, but no thanks.
- rePlay psychosis or schizophrenia with paranoia on someone: and someone will "have" psychosis or paranoia. NOTE: psychosis/schizophrenia was from always artificially created - it's not from nature. It's an easy trick that people who play with microwaves know - one's head is irradiated enough so that a part of mind is slowly destroyed and then it takes time to recover, that's all. Dementia is created in the same way with wireless specialized radiation, psychotherapiest/psychologists/psychiatrists are just fooled by this - since they have to unconsciously play commercial fake hope persons to satisfy masses of disorders "it's all ok because it's from 'nature'" - brainwashers have people that don't want to see what's going on exactly where they want them to. It's far from being ok and it's certainly not from nature, humanity is daily "non-invasivelly" mentally raped every single day by psyExploiters wireless ai mindTech and special telecommunications to "manage the market" - some more some less - this must be very ok! and it is called "disorders/illness/cancer"/etc.
I could go on an on, but i think you get the point.
Procucing only a hard head pressure in one's head by a week can completelly destroy one's whole life which is sometimes an intro into active mind programming
this were by the way mine dictators style tricks to subside to their will indirectly wirelessly - since i amongs many know why they do this, they want slave toys sheeps for their "bigger idiotic nonCommercialSpiritual EnergetiX bosses" on a black market who are easy to made sheeps/fool/exploit on some market - they just hate "alive" beings who could threat their modern wireless mind programming slavery business, that's all.
Their wireless ai is full of tricks and a usual or novice person will not notice it - also because we are still in a brainwashed society:
wireless ai is doing something like an normal hypnotists would do to hypnotize someone(via lies) - but much much more efficient and better.
So, if for example brainwashers ai want's to put someone into a sleepy state(knowledge by their ai or psychotronics from old psy'experiments'): it can use mild almost unnoticed infrared/other irradiation directly on head/nervousSystem or a targeted nano/micro-chip in organism/head - which produces (unresistable) sleepy state or something else for (unresistable) hunger, etc. This is how society became programmable - before was only from outside by liesInformations - but nowadays psyExploiters mind programming makes sure - that we are also from Inside(psyConditioning - almost the same as dog training tricks but wirelessly + psychophysical-health-management - born/learn-bullshit/eat-drink-bullshit/do-bullshit/work-indirectly-for-psyExploiters-not-directors/die, all trying to be managed by mindTech).
There are two political systems: commercial - which doesn't make problems and para-political: fully based on wireless mind-control also by '(young)people who know how to work with technology' with probably quite some (special)telecommunications 'neuro-marketing' stuff - pure abuses business - active mind programming is mostly done so that people being programmed(also in monarchMindProgramming) stays daily in a trauma/opressed state via forced wireless mind control and bad psychophysical state.
In fact - most people are nowadays programmed by psyExploiters ai to go to bed at a specific hour/etc(like in a kindergarten) - dreams are many times programmed either for passivelly experiments done on our psyche(yeah - a part of their psyTricks abuse) or to test how a living being reacts in awake state after his/her dreams were manipulated in a deep sleep - in hypnotism there are some states that are near this: hypnagogic or somnambulism state. Sleep is very good field for brainwashers 'comma' tests! altough how much it affects someone is like anything else and also depends from individual to individual. Eg primitive person is without mind programming primitive - but primitive person being wirelessly mind programmed without being aware of it - it nails it totally(wirelessly mind programmed violent parents puppets that can become worse than hitler in a second only if a child speaks up his/her mind - a part of indirect mental slavery dog trainings obey/helpless/isolative-psyche/be-quiet/etc psyConditioning) - children of such parents are usually unconscious psychopaths if they don't know what's going on and if this is later not somehow worked out. Subconscious sadomasohists/psychopaths was from the start brainwashers design which is of course a goal of any professional spoiled psychopath to get other on their "demonic"(bad boy/girl) business side via indirect wireless mind programming tricks(of course they don't have intention to tell them that since then hypnotism or marketing manipulative lie would not work on a mass of puppets as expected) - in a core this are simply lies but done on population via manipulation - wireless mind programming tricks for more "livestock"(this is why i sometimes call them weasels dictators).
Totally the same method as putting someone to sleepy state is used by their wireless ai for anything else one can imagine: thought/emotions manipulation done on whole humanity for such human farms, intrusive thoughts, psyConditioning, add/adhd, creating a headache or migraine, hearing voices(or any other sound) in active and subliminals in passive m.p., manipulating subVisions in active/passive m.p. or sight directly in direct m.p.(or any other 6senses), psychosis, epilepsy, etc.